Not Now, But Someday

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When Sally first told me that she wanted me to meet her son, I was terrified. I loved Sally with all of my heart and I truly did love my relationship with her. But I have never met her son before.

This was a big step.

Sally talks about him like he is the kindest, sweetest, most loving boy in the whole world. And, don't get me wrong, I'm sure he is, but, then again, how weird must it be for him to meet the man his own mother is dating.

"Come on Paul, it's going to be fine!" Sally exclaimed, seeing my discomfort. "Just relax! Seriously, you're a grown adult. A teacher! You deal with teenagers all the time. You'll be fine. Now. percy's going to be here in about ten minutes and I have to quickly run to the store to buy something for the cookies. Just stay with him till I get back, okay?"


"Um, Sally, are you sure that's actually a good idea?" I chuckled awkwardly. Me? Alone? With her son?

Sally just rolled her eyes before grabbing her bag so she could go to the store. With one last smile, she took her keys and walked right out.

Oh no.

I sat on the couch, with my impending doom just minutes away, when the doorbell rang, cutting through the silence like a sword. I was startled by the noise and quickly ran to open the doorbell. And right outside stood Percy Jackson himself.

He looked just like all the photos Sally had around her apartment. Well, duh, obviously, but it was different in person. He had a gray streak in his hair and looked very muscular in general, though he did look tired and burdened, the visible scars on his body attesting to that.

I could tell he was studying me as well, but he stuck out his hand in front of me.

"Hi sir, you must be Mr. Blofis. I'm Percy Jackson, Sally's son?" He started to talk confidently, but it ended up sounding like a question. He was just as nervous as I was.

"Oh, yes, of course, I'm so sorry, come in!" I told him, wincing on the inside. Come in? Get it together Paul! This is Percy's house and you're inviting him in? Percy, almost sensing my discomfort, laughing a little before walking in.

He looked strangely frightened of me, behind his intimidating nature. We both walked towards the living room and took our place on the couch.

"Where's mom?" he asked me as he sat down.

"Oh, uh, she went out to the store to get something for the desert."

Percy just nodded, smiling a little softly, as if he knew something I didn't.

We were both sitting there together, silently, until the lack of voices became too awkward to bear.

"So, Percy, you're in high school right?" I asked him and he just nodded in agreement. "How's school going for you?"

He winced a little at that.

"School's well, interesting, I guess," he responded. Um, okay. "I have ADHD and dyslexia so school's just naturally designed to be difficult for me."

"Oh yeah, school must really suck for you then," I said, laughing a bit. Maybe we're starting to warm up to each other?

"You're a school teacher, are you allowed to say that school sucks?" Percy shot back, laughing. His eyes turned a really pretty sea-green color. I mean, it always is, but it became light and not as burdened as it seemed before.

We fell back into the silence after that, but it seemed a lot more comfortable. Percy was just staring down at the carpet, as if remembering something sad. He kept on sneaking up glances at me, as if trying to muster the courage to talk to me about something. I was just about to open my mouth to let him know he could ask me whatever when he started talking.

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