Right Moment Wrong Time

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This chapter includes some potentially triggering content. The scene in question is skippable with a warning at the beginning and end of the scene (just like with the NSFW scene in the chapter "Long overdue")

TW: Sexual harassment and minor SA elements (nothing extreme or explicit).


When he decided yesterday evening to tell them the next morning instead of right then and there he must have still been too overwhelmed by the situation to seriously consider it. He had forgotten about the chaos often igniting in the early hours of the day, one that he was sure to get worse once the babies were born.

Kenma was still deeply asleep while Kuroo and Bokuto hurried to get ready for work. The former wasn't exactly happy this morning and almost burnt their breakfast which Akaashi attributed to him overthinking again last night. He always tended to get overly worried about them but still, the Omega felt guilty.

Usually, he and Kou were annoyingly positive in the morning — Bokuto more so than Kuroo considering that he always had an unholy amount of energy and was quite the early bird — but today the raven snapped at their Alpha because it was getting too much for him.

He apologized but left the house rather quickly afterwards. Bokuto looked hurt by that but just sighed and went upstairs to say goodbye to Kenma for the day before leaving as well.

It left Akaashi alone at the table with a half-eaten bowl of rice and the lingering scent of distress weighing down the air.

He sighed and let out a frustrated groan. This was not the plan and he felt a wave of anger rising up inside him targeted at no one in particular. Perhaps himself for not planning this properly.

He took a few calming breaths so as not to alert Kenma. The other Omega needed all the rest he could get.
While Akaashi seemed to struggle with morning sickness a lot more than the smaller, Kenma was plagued by fatigue.

It didn't help that he already suffered from chronic fatigue before the Pregnancy, something that was definitely tied to his autism and Vitamine D deficit — at least they could do something against the latter —, but the baby had made it a lot worse.

Akaashi started to experience first-hand how difficult and draining growing a human was and he wondered if he'd soon feel similar to his mate.

From what he read about pregnancy he knew that it affected everyone differently and that some struggled more than others. It gave him a bit of hope that he would be able to continue working his job for a while longer.

He would like to wrap up some crucial projects before taking maternity leave and he wasn't thrilled with Watanabe's comments should he be gone too early. Though he had the slight inkling those would be unavoidable.

With a sigh, he opened his laptop to make a to-do list for the day and get started.
However, an hour into his work he reached for his bag and promptly had to realize that in his haste he had forgotten one of the documents at the office yesterday.

He wanted to bash his head into the table in frustration. Why was everything, everything going wrong this week?

As he searched his bag a second time just to make sure, the pictures of the ultrasound fell into his hands and he paused. Not everything was going wrong. One unfathomable tiny thing was going better than anything.

He smiled as he saw the picture and subconsciously his hand strayed to his stomach again.
"I love you," he whispered fondly.

With new motivation, and determined to avoid stress as best as possible, he reworked his to-do list. If he went into the office today and got everything done he needed to do there, which really only was handling and categorizing a few documents, he could work from home for at least the rest of the month.

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