A Little Too Eager

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Chapter 18: A little too eager

The ringing of the timer still echoed in his ears as the seconds passed. His muscle seemed to lock in place unwilling to follow through with the movement of walking. He gulped.

His head was spinning with anxiety. As soon as he'd open that door and look at the test it'd be certain. He couldn't run from it anymore.

His throat tightened, was this how Kenma had felt? Did he sit outside the bathroom as Akaashi did right now, or was he staring at the test while the seconds ticked by?
He had never thought about how nerve-wracking this part was, waiting three minutes just to hesitate and wish time would move slower once they were over, suddenly uncertain if he even wanted to know the result.

Akaashi couldn't even say what he was hoping for. Just two months ago it would have been clear. He'd have been thrilled to find the test positive but now... he wasn't so certain anymore.

  "Keiji? The test will get inaccurate if you wait too long."
Suga's voice was gentle and his soothing scent filled the air. It worked, his heartbeat slowed down again and the air seemed suddenly a little more breathable again.

He nodded absentmindedly... still his legs didn't move. The room wavered a little in front of him. He attempted to take a deep breath but it got caught in his throat and he coughed.
Suga's hands found his back and he rubbed over it in soothing circles, encouraging him to breathe slowly and covering him in another layer of soft juniper and chamomile.

  "Should I take a look at it first? This way you won't have to and we know the result even if the test turns bad because we waited too long."

Akaashi nodded.
  "I'm sorry..."

  "Oh no, dear. It is not a struggle at all so don't mind apologizing."
He smiled at him reassuringly.

The older Omega made sure Akaashi sat safely on the ground before leaving him to check on the test.
Akaashi buried his face against his knees as he tugged his legs up to his chest. He felt pathetic, being so weak and vulnerable. He felt stupid, that he hadn't considered the possibility himself. He-

He should be strong for his mates right now, not drowning in his sorrow. Kenma was so strong putting up with all of this, trying his best and succeeding to be strong for them. Kuroo and Bokuto, did fantastic as their mates, helping Kenma through it and even supporting Akaashi when he threatened to fall apart just because of a few mood swings.
Why weren't they mad at him?! How could they still be so understanding?
They should be exasperated with him.

Why didn't they hate him?

Why did Suga support him?! He should tell him to be there for his mates not... not this... Not selfish!

Slowly his eyes, glossy and reddened, wandered up to where the other kneeled before him his eyes filled with concern.

  "Thank God, for a moment I thought you were dropping."
He engulfed him in his arms, pulling him closer as he sniffled slightly.

  "I'm sorry... I-I'm sorry"

  "Shhh, it's alright. Everything is going to be fine, okay?"

He hiccuped in his arms but found himself unable to answer the silver-haired.

  "Is he better?"
A new voice echoed through the room and Akaashi instinctively tried to hide further. When he looked up he found Iwaizumi, his phone already in hand.

Suga nodded.
  "Help me get him to the couch?"

He carefully helped Akaashi to his feet while Iwa closed the distance between them and offered additional support, half carrying him through the hallway to the living room.
Once he was settled on the soft cushions, Suga was immediately by his side again, providing calming pheromones and comfort.

An uncertain Future | BokuAkaKuroKen • OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now