Chapter Seventeen~

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Uh, enjoy?

Maddie POV~

"I'm sorry." I whisper, staring down at the ground teary-eyed as I wait for a response, anything from Tedros, not wanting to see his face, not wanting to see if I hurt him.

Besides, I have a feeling this is hurting me a lot more than it's hurting him. I don't want to leave him, I really like him, but Agatha and Sophie's words over the past couple of weeks have gotten to me. I'm being selfish, and I shouldn't be.

We need to go home. Even if I don't feel like I belong there. I never have.

"Why?" He mutters, and I look up to see his eyebrows furrowing and lips forming a frown.

"I- I don't think this would ever work out. I mean, you're a prince, and I'm not the right Princess for you." I tell him, and he looks up at me, a sheen in his eyes.

Tedros POV~

Oh, bunny, you have no idea how wrong those words are.

Her nose twitches, slightly red, her eyes hazy, and her hands clasped nervously together in front of her as she tries not to look me in the eyes.

I breathe heavily, trying not to cry myself. This isn't how I wanted this to go.

I knew I should've told her about us being soulmates before this. I had the perfect opportunity, and I didn't take it. I don't even know how I could be so stupid.

"I should go." She murmurs, her nose twitching as she bites her lip.

No, please don't go, I can't lose anyone else, please. I have to physically restrain myself from saying that, my finger glowing at the immense pain I feel on the insides, and I can't even imagine how she must feel.

My bunny doesn't even know about our soulmate bond, and she's half rejected it by not staying with me, I've heard being the rejected causes immense pain, but the one doing the rejecting is worse.

If this is how I feel, I can't possibly imagine how my darling feels.

Taking in a deep breath, I go to say something as she turns, but the words suddenly halt in my throat, my brain feeling like it's on a mile high and my feet like their cinder blocks

Agatha POV~

Sighing as I point my finger at Tedros, I shake my head.

This all would have been so much easier if they just did what was set out. All Tedros had to do was kiss Sophie, and that was that. We would've all been free. But no, now I have to take things into my own hands.

I don't know if I'll regret this, but right now, it's the only thing I can do, and so I direct him towards Sophie, with clear intentions in mind.

Maddie POV~

My breath stutters in my chest as I sit down, hugging my legs to myself as I bite my lip hard, trying not to focus on what I just did. Oh, why did I do that. For once in my life, I was happy. I'm genuinely happy, and I ruined it for myself.

Looking up, my face drops even more as I see Tedros heading towards Sophie, who is up on her pedestal, and I swallow back my tears, knowing that this is of my own making.

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