Chapter One

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Slight time skip to when Agatha comes to their room, because I wanna speed to start of the story up a little bit. Aka just skipping half the chapter

3rd POV~

A few minutes after ten, Sophie and Maddie, who was coerced into this, pried the last lock off the window and cracked open the shutters. They could both see to the forest edge, where their father, Stefan, stood with the rest of the perimeter guard. But instead of looking anxious like the others, he was smiling, hand on the widow Honora's shoulder.

Maddies eyebrows furrowed, as she frowns, thinking anout the fact her fathers worry the entire day mightve been fake just so he could have Honora to himself if she was gone. While Sophie grimaced. What her father saw in that woman, she had no idea. Once upon a time, their mother had been as flawless as a storybook queen, and the twins her little princesses. Honora, meanwhile, had a small head, round body, and looked like a turkey.

Her father whispered mischievously into the widow's ear and Sophie's cheeks burned. If it were Honora's two little sons who might be taken, he'd be serious as death, she was rageful for both her and her sister, who looked like she was about to cry. True, Stefan had locked them both in at sundown, a worried expression on his face when he looked at Maddie, given them both a kiss, dutifully acted the loving father. But Sophie knew the truth and so did Maddie now. She had seen it in his face every day of her life, Naddie only just looking back and realising now, the poor girl always wanting to see the bwst in people. Their father didn't love them. Because neither of them were a boy. Because they didn't remind him of himself.

Now he wanted to marry that beast. Five years after the twins mother's death, it wouldn't be seen as improper or callous. A simple exchange of vows and he'd have two sons, a new family, a fresh start. But he needed his daughter's blessing first for the Elders to allow it. The few times he tried, Sophie changed the subject or loudly chopped cucumbers or smiled the way she did at Radley, Maddie would make a shocked sound, pretend to hear someonw calling her name and hightail to either her room if Sophie were there or to Agatha's. Their father hadn't mentioned Honora again after thoese two incidents.

Let the coward marry her when we're gone, Sophie thought, glaring at him through the shutters. Only when she was gone would he appreciate them, Maddies cooking, and her love for the both of them. Only when they were gone would he know no one could replace them, no one could replace her darling twin, she was thoughtful and kind and if even their father didnt see that then Maddie should be able to find a Prince of her own, with no one stopping her. And only when they were gone would he see he had spawned much more than a son.

He had borne princesses, kind, beautiful princesses.

On her windowsill, Sophie laid out gingerbread hearts for the School Master with delicate care, Maddie heading back to lay down in bed, thinking about the fact their father barely cared for their safety. For the first time in her life, she'd made them with sugar and butter, had asked for Maddie to guide her. These were special, after all. A message to say that they'd both come willingly.

Sinking into her pillow, Sophie closed her eyes on widows, fathers, and wretched Gavaldon and with a smile counted the seconds to midnight.

Though Maddie's eyes remained open, staring out the window unseeingly as she ponders what will happen and what has happened.

As soon as Sophie's head vanished beneath the window, Maddies having vanished minutes before, Agatha shoved the gingerbread hearts in her mouth. Only thing these will invite are rats, she thought, crumbs dribbling on her black clump shoes, eyebrows furrowing as they tasted a lot like Maddies, but she had promised Agatha earlier on in the week to not encourage Sophies bahavior. She yawned and set on her way as the town clock inched past the quarter hour.

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