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Maddie POV

Maddie POV~

All of our lives, my twin sister has been begging to be kidnapped by the School Master, to be taken to the school for good and evil so that she can find her Prince.

It sounds like a nice place, the books telling you that people find their happily ever afters there and that no matter what you will be loved, mourned and missed.

The thing is, Sophie wants both of us to go, always roping me into her skin care routines, helping me bring stuff with her to different parts of town and even dragging me to her 'best good cause' or in other words one of my best friends Aggie.

As much as I live Soph, sometimes she does get a bit out of hand, I always apologise to the towns people if she accidentally insults them, bringing them new meals if she slaps them out of their hands, recommending them a healthier meal and storming off huffing and puffing.

Of course these are things anyone would do if they saw someone doing this to another person. Though Dad does seem to worry a lot now that the fourth year has come again, muttering under his breath while looking at me in concern, I'm not sure what that's about though.

So when the day comes and Sophie and I are awoken by a loud hammering sound in our bedroom, it was really no suprise to see Papa hammering wooden panels into our window, not wanting to take any chances in case we were to get kidnapped.

Across the room I see Sophie's eyes flutter open, a look of frustration and anger behind them, and just by that look I know that she was dreaming about her Prince again.

"Father if I don't sleep nine hours my eyes look swollen," Sophie whines, pouting as she sits up, I yawn quietly, knuckling my eyes slightly and swing my feet over the side of my bed, my toes not even grazing the ground, having not gotten any of my families height, being 5'1.

"Everyone's prattling on that the both of you will be taken this year," he tells us frustrated, standing up straight, and gently running his fingers through my hair as I smile brightly up at him, and he smiles sadly back down at me, "They tell me to shear your hair, muddy your face," he starts to ramble going back to hammering misshapen boards into our window, "As if I believe any of this fairy-tale hogwash. But even if it isn't true, no one is getting in here tonight. That's for sure," he hammers the last nail in before standing up to his full height once more.

Giggling slightly, I shake my head, "Papa, I do believe people have locked their house like this before, you know it never works," I tell him calmly as I stand, brushing off my nightgown as Sophie just scowls at Papa, rubbing her ears in annoyance due to the pounding that awoke us both.

"I don't know why they think it's you, Sophie." Dad says pausing slightly as if to think how she'll take the news as I begin to look through our closet for clothes for the day, "If it's goodness that School Master wants, he'll take Gunilda's daughter, hopefully," he mutters the last part, neither of us noticing as his eyes dart to me sadly.

Sophie and I both tense for different, reasons, me because I know of Sophie's hate for Belle and not wanting her to insult someone who has been nothing but kind to us, and Sophie because no one but her should even be considered for the school of good, "Belle?" Sophie questions tensely, though relaxes her muscles, realising that it'll give her beauty marks.

"Perfect child that one is," Papa goes to prattle on, "Of course not as nice as our dear Maddie, but she brings her Father homecooked lunches at the mill. Gives the leftovers to the poor hag in the square," Papa explains to us nonchalantly, smiling fondly in my direction before looking back at Sophie who frowns as she realises our Papa believes I'll be chosen before she ever would be, muttering to herself quietly.

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