Chapter Nine~

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Tedros POV~

I can't believe those two witches had the gall to hurt my little bunny, is all I could think as I'm now sprinting towards the school, hearing worried shouts from those around me questioning who is in my arms and why I'm running so fast.

"Tedros," she whispers, clutching onto my shirt her eyes widening in shock as she realises how fast I'm running, with her in my arms no less. Though she is quite light for someone of our age, I think I'll have to watch her during meal times to check she's eating the appropriate amount for someone of her stature. Meaning more than she will be now, what with her witch of a sister probably convincing her at every turn that she's too fat, which is not true, for any girl, everyone is beautiful in their way, Dad taught me that.

"It's alright love, we're almost there," I tell her, climbing the stairs to the infirmary 3 at a time, quickly reaching the door and using my shoulder to open it, the nurses inside gasping at the sight of my little bunny in my arms, quickly scooping her up from my hold, despite everything in me telling me not to let her go.

She's set carefully onto a bed, her eyes wide as she glances at everyone, wincing as alcohol wipes are swiped over her cuts, and pastes rubbed into her developing bruises.

They work quickly, nurses in a fairytale being taught to make sure there's not a single scar left behind once someone's treatment is finished, though sometimes they do get some people who are so wounded that scars are a definite possibility.

As they finish, they whisper something to bunny who glances over at me, her eyes going wide and a pink shine covering her face.

Chuckling I start to move forward, the nurses going back to fixing up the infirmary, though they do glance back at us with small smiles every once in a while.

"Are you okay, bunny?" I ask her quietly, sitting next to her on the bed, and she looks up at me, the shock of what just happened seeming to dissipate as she realises what her twin sister just did to her, tears rolling down her face as she tries to choke down sobs.

My eyes widen in sympathy as I pull her into me, comforting my little bunny the best I can while silently swearing to myself and her that I will make sure that Sophie can't hurt her ever again.

"Why would she do that?" She whispers, her voice scratchy and rough as she sniffles, "and Agatha too, I thought-" she cuts herself off, sniffling and the sobs coming back full force, and I just gently pull her into me more, setting Maddie on my lap as I rock us back and forth lightly.

"It's alright, baby, it's alright," I tell her, despite the fact we both know it's not alright and what those two just did might haunt my bunny forever. Even if they did try to apologise all Maddie would be able to think about is what they did to her, and that's not a nice feeling.

She shakes her head no at my words and I nod in return, running my fingers through her hair.

"Do you want to talk about it or do you want me to get Beatrix or one of your other friends?" I ask her, rambling a little before she giggles slightly, moving her face away from my chest to look at me, and I frown slightly at the tear marks on her face, and she pouts at me.

"Hey, I might look like a mess but that doesn't mean you can look so sad about it," she tells me, sniffling slightly, her nose scrunching up.

"It's not that, I just, I wish I stopped them before they could hurt you so badly. I'm such a bad soulmate," I whisper the last part to myself but it seems she caught it by the way she perks up slightly, her eyes narrowed and her head tilted to the side.

"What did you say?" She asks, and my eyes widen as I process what I just said, slightly thankful that she didn't hear it.

Smiling nervously, I try to figure out how to explain this to my little bunny, as from what I've heard Readers know nothing about soulmates or the love we have for each other here in the woods.

Inhaling deeply, I know I should tell her, but something inside of me is telling me not to, like its just simply not time yet, and i listen to that voice, knowing I'll probably regret it later. "Dont worry bunny, I'm just swearing that one day they'll regret ever hurting you," I hesitate slightly, hoping I don't regret not telling her now.

"Dont say that, Tedros. I-Ill talk to them, I can see what I did wrong," she whispers to herself, and I shake my head.

"Bunny, you did nothing wrong sweetheart, alright, nothing." I tell her, "And if anyone ever says that you did, send them my way and I'll gladly deal with them." I tell her, staring into her eyes and she blushes, before her head turns down.

She mumbles something to herself, her eyes filling with more tears and lightly take her face in my hands, "don't cry,
I hate it when you cry. After all, you never know, someone could be falling in live with your smile. Someone like me," I say, pausing as I realise I said the last bit a bit to loud and she looks at me in suprise, her cheeks and nose red and and eyes glassy and wide as she stares up at me in shock.

"You like me? Like really like me?" she questions me, a smile growing on her face as she sniffles slightly, and I give a small lopsided grin at that.

"Of course I like you Bunny. How could I not. Your perfect." I tell her, kissing her nose lightly, her face going red, and I decide that I need to do that more often, just to see her reaction.

"C-can you tell me more?" She asks curiously, and I laugh in disbelief my hands dropping off of her face as I kiss her cheek, causing her face to burn up again.

"Of course love, I'm always happy to tell you anything," I tell her, smiling goofily down at her, and she smiles up at me, rubbing her face slightly, to get rid of the tears. And I begin to explain just how I fell for her, how I saw her the first night and just knew. Giving careful hints about the soulmate thing, but not telling her. I don't know if it's just because I don't have the guts, or if it's because of fate telling me that she can't know about it right now.

1234 words~

I rewrote this chapter quite a bit, I'm wanting to go somewhere else with the story line! So if your reading this for the first or a millionth time, please tell me if you see any chapter where Maddie mentions them as soulmates, because as of right now she doesn't know, I just want it to be either a really special moment or someone outs it, for the dramatics you know?

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