author's note + sequel ? let's talk.

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whew! there we have it!

I just wanted to write this author's note to not only give context for my journey in writing this book but to— first and foremost— express my gratitude to you all!

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment and vote and DM— just everything! It really helped give me the motivation to not only continue pursuing this story but to actually see it through to the end.

I really wanted to have fun with this and try out some new things as far as my own writing process. I am usually SO meticulous about every little thing, and the character work alone requires so much, but this time, I just wanted to draft out a skeleton and see where everything took me.

With that being said, it has been such a pleasure getting to know these characters alongside you all! It has also been a pleasure writing out some of my Teezo Touchdown fantasies, but we not talkin' bout that right now! lmaooo

But no, in all seriousness, I've had so much fun writing this, especially the last chapter. Between this and the Street Dreams series (tap into Sky's the Limit and Black Ice, if you haven't already!), I'm realizing how much I loveee writing performance/concert scenes. I just get lost in it. I see everything like a movie!

It's also very rare that I'm able to finish a book in less than a year, and while it isn't perfect, I feel like it's a great starting point for where I want to take my writing.

I really wanted to write something that was just as much about friendship as it was about romance, and by having Aria and Ken both play integral parts that affected Sage and Darcy's relationship, I feel like I kinda' did somethin' there.

I also feel like— and I'm saying this as a means of just reflecting, not to brag— this book was pretty good for a Black southern love story that didn't have, like, super prominent emotional abuse or cheating going on in the dominant romantic relationship of the book. Y'all can be the judge of that, but for a first swing at it, I think I accomplished my goal (for the most part. Maybe next time, I'll eat it dooowwwnnn).

I also wanted to write something cute, where the leading man is just a regular dude that's crazy about his girlfriend in the best, most wholesome way. I know regular dudes aren't, like, superrr popular in the urban book community on here— I'm guilty of this too. It's somethin' thrilling about a kingpin/drug dealer or a bad boy or a billionaire or even a star athlete or entertainer. Chile, I eat those books up every time!— but that was also part of the challenge for myself!

There's not much glamour in a starving artist working odd jobs to get by, in reality— but just like the drug runners and rappers that I write— they deserve to be fully realized, desired characters too!

With that being said, I feel like we are just starting to fully realize Sage and Darcy as rich, complex characters. That's why ending this book is so bittersweet for me.

I hate goodbyes! That's why all my books end up 20 chapters longer than I plan them to be (shoutout Falling in Leaves—tap in if you haven't! You're in for a rollercoaster!), but this may just be the end of the line for Sage and Darcy-Ann....

At least for now!

I do want to explore the possibility of a sequel, but only if y'all want it! So, if you enjoyed this book enough to keep up with Sage and Darcy-Ann (and their friendships too!), let me know!

As I always say, your feedback is greatly appreciated!

Also, if you enjoyed this book, tell me what your favorite part was! Favorite characters? Moments we loved! Moments we hated! Favorite quotes! Anything!

Do y'all fuck wit' the playlist? I don't know about y'all, but I be bumpin' that junt all the time. I literally just updated it, like, two weeks ago and everything lmaooo.

Anyway! Let me wrap this up before I start rambling.

Shoutout to the people I was bouncing ideas off of, especially in terms of little details like Sage's faceclaim gif and Sage's last name (I almost named him Sage Green just on some cute, funny, corny shit. I might still go back and do it! lol). Thank y'all for also entertaining me whenever I'd send a TikTok saying "Sage and Darcy. Darcy-core. Sage-coded." I know y'all could care less, but thank y'all for just being an outlet for me in that way anyway lmaooo.

Shoutout to Teezo Touchdown for dropping that deluxe album and giving me the fuel I needed to lock in for those last 7 chapters. "Up and Down" is Sage dowwnnn, and it gave me all the mojo I needed to finish strong. The stars aligned on that one! Me and Teezo literally share a brain, y'all!

And of course—as always!— I thank all of YOU for your love and support as I dropped off this quick(er than usual) labor of love. Y'all don't know how much you all's comments and support of this book meant! I really hope you all had as much fun reading as I did writing.

Until we meet again! ♥️

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