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"Bun, I'ma be gone for a few days. Don't trip though. I just gotta handle somethin' with Ken and this showcase bullshit... I'ma miss you, and I'll call you when I can... I'll be back before you know it. I promise. I love you, Darcy-Ann."

"No no no no," she immediately pulled up her keyboard to type a message.

With Ken's name swirling about, she knew that Sage had gone to do whatever it was that kept him away before.

Sage, don't do this to me.

You promised me.

Her texts had gone through green.

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she fought to re-center herself.

"Okay, Darcy, just... think for a minute... He gave you a heads up. He gave you a time frame, sorta'... He said it had somethin' to do with the showcase."

Her eyes popped open as she leapt toward social media platforms to look for the latest about the showcases.


"Okay, okay... there is bullshit to be handled on that front. Okay," she was glad that although he was a promise-breaker, he wasn't a liar.

Was there ultimately a difference?

She took another deep breath, choosing not to give into her negative thoughts. Her worries were still twirling through her mind but at least she found some sense of comfort knowing he'd soon be in her arms again.

She kept busy with her writing, and although work was significantly more boring with Eric on leave, she was more productive than ever. Taking note of her work ethic and the leadership displayed in light of Eric's accident, Ben rounded up the staff just before the store opened.

He gave a spiel about work families and hard work, self-improvement for the betterment of the whole. Pride in one's work. Love placed in one's labor.

Darcy found herself close to dozing off against a locker, when a tide of applause jolted her awake. Her hands flew to start clapping as well while her co-worker Lisa grinned in her face like the Cheshire Cat.

"What are we clapping for?" Darcy inquired, her body leaning back for some sense of personal space.

"You! You just got promoted, girl!"

"Oh, shit... Oh! Really?" Her surprise came in tiering levels.

"Our new assistant manager, Darcy-Ann Clarke!" Ben announced while motioning her out of the back corner of the room.

Darcy slowly took her place next to Ben, still a bit disoriented by the whole ordeal.

"Here is your brand new name tag," Ben ceremoniously presented.

It was weird seeing a title under her name, but she quickly grew to like the applause. With a smile and a Royal wave, she accepted the mundane fanfare of colleagues.

She shared the news with anyone who'd listen, even her father once she accepted his collect call.

She was so excited that she even opted to cook dinner for her and Aria. The two hadn't really spoken since the 4th of July, but the news was too good not to share with her friend.

Presenting her 4th of July apology in the form of a home cooked meal, Darcy implored Aria to celebrate with her.

She obliged, pouring up glasses of wine with a cordial smile and a distant demeanor. Although the evening wasn't as joyous as she had hoped, Darcy appreciated Aria for taking the time anyway, especially since she took it upon herself to call Eric and tell him the news too.

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