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It was quiet, quiet enough to hear the rain softly pelting the outside world. July rain made for muggy air thick enough to hug and skies pale enough to make you squint. At least for right now.

Sure enough, sun beams would give a heavenly glow to the drops, but that wouldn't be for another hour or so.

Until then, Darcy-Ann was nestled in the warmth of Sage's bedsheets.

She was supposed to be done with him. Done enough not to sleep with him again, but like a bee to pollen, she was drawn. It didn't help that he would be leaving at the turn of the season. She figured she'd take advantage of what little time they had.

It was more for her than it was for him. After all, he didn't deserve to still enjoy certain privileges of a boyfriend, but she had needs, and those needs outweighed his shortcomings.

She deserved better. She deserved to have her needs— physically and emotionally— met. She knew it to be true, but her belief in Sage becoming the man they both wanted him to be was greater.

In all honesty, she had a lot riding on this relationship. She had many stakes set on Sage, and she rathered their official title dissipated under terms such as this. It was better than getting years down the line of Sage not living up to her expectations and trying to reconcile that.

She tried not to think too much about it. She fought her instincts to let the negative hypotheticals steer her. Sage was thankful for it, moving in the spirit of gratitude every moment they spent together.

With flowers, dates, and great sex all ramping up in frequency, Sage never missed a moment to shower Darcy with affection. She deserved it, and he meant it. And he too wanted to make the most of the little time they had left together.

He just hoped he wouldn't do anything else to further divide them.

He could never be too sure with the way life always threw an obstacle. Such obstacles always had Ken attached, but for the last day or so, he hadn't seen much of his roommate.

Typically, it was the sound of Ken in the kitchen or moving about the apartment that awakened him on his off days. But when the sound of a phone alarm jolted him awake, he knew Ken hadn't come home last night.

"Fuck," Darcy-Ann huffed, fumbling her phone several times before finally turning the alarm off.

In a flash, she was up, tripping over herself.

"Where you goin'?" Sage stretched and wiped the sleep from his eyes.

"I'm supposed to see my daddy today. I totally forgot!" She rummaged through her overnight bag.

"Well, it's not too late, is it?"

"Nah, but—"

"Can I come?"

"Sage," Darcy sighed just before popping her head out of the canal of her shirt.

"We already together, and I could drive."

"It's a two-hour drive."

"That's nothin'," he was already out of bed.

She couldn't think of a reason not to give in. Well, other than the fact they were supposed to be broken up.

She watched him begin his own routine of getting ready for the day, racking her brain for a way to say no. But she couldn't bring herself to deny him.

"You comin?" He was grabbing bath towels for two.

She followed him into the bathroom and joined him in the shower. And as the two started their day, Darcy couldn't help but let her anxiety dictate her thoughts.

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