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Sage had a new routine. One that'd been written on paper and lost in trash but he insisted on enacting anyway.

After a long night of janitorial duties, Sage would lead a full rehearsal. After that, he'd return home. With a nice, long shower, his relaxed mind would lead his weary body to Darcy.

With her taking the next week and a half off, he would pick up food or groceries and head to her home.

He'd greet her with a forehead kiss. No matter where she was, that was first on the agenda every day.

Today, she was curled up in bed, so bundled that it was hard to tell where she ended and began.

Next to the heap of her was a journal, flattened open with words scribbled line after line.

Had he ever seen her handwriting before? He liked it although some of it wasn't legible at first glance. She must've fallen asleep writing.

He took the book, closing and setting it on her nightstand before resting his hand on top of her.

"Darcy-Ann," he lightly shook her.

A muffled whine hummed from the bed.

"I'm here. Where you at?"

"I'm here. Hold on," she sleepily rasped. "You can get your hand off my ass now."

"My bad. I don't know where is what," he chuckled as she wrestled with her blankets.

Soon enough, she emerged and with the help of Sage widening her exit, she slowly sat up.

Her bonnet slouched aside her head and exhaustion weighed her eyes, but Sage smiled just the same at the sight of her.

"There you are," he leaned down to her forehead.

With a swift kiss, he plopped down next to her. The bedsprings squeaked as she made room for him to relax.

"How are you?" He asked while laying back.

"Other than these damn cramps, I'm okay. Just super tired and emotional, but what else is new?" She murmured while sitting up, crossing her legs as if she were a child again.

"Yeah? Would some food make you feel better? I could whip somethin' up real quick," he gazed up at her.

"Sage, no. You already cooked for me yesterday. You don't even need to be here. Shouldn't you be gettin' ready for Bloodstone?" She kicked out the bottom of her blanket.

"We have rehearsals every morning. Don't worry," he assured as she shuffled some of her cover on to him.

"You seem pretty chill about all this. The show's in, like, two days, and here you are with me."

"There's no better place to be," he accepted some of her blanket as his own piece of bliss.

Warmed with heat that smelled like fresh laundry and her favorite body butter, he relaxed with closed eyes.

"You got what'chu gon' wear?" She asked.


"You got your appointment set up wit' Jam?"

"I'm goin' to Brandi tomorrow."

Darcy tried not to smile. "Why not Jam? I thought you been goin' to her forever."

"Goin' for somethin' a lil' free-er."

Her tiny smile grew two sizes as she recalled an old conversation. "Gettin' free."

"Gettin' free," he affirmed with a slight smile.

"Well... Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked.

Me, You, and MasonWhere stories live. Discover now