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The sunlight could barely penetrate the shelves of smoke in Kenrō's room. Rays beamed and bounced off the lethargic rise and fall of burning sativa. It was gorgeous, curtains of sunny weed smoke creating a dream-like atmosphere for Kenrō.

It made the activity he was partaking in feel even more surreal.

With hands that pulled at coils and lips that uttered the sternest of instructions, Ken enthralled himself in a woman dying to please him and killing herself to do so.

It was moments like this that Kenrō's urgency to lead and demand for control were fully welcomed and encouraged. It was why he loved being in the grip of a lover so much, and why Melody was his favorite. And the feeling was mutual.

She could lose herself with him just as much as he'd lose himself with her. She didn't have to think, just do. And he didn't have to compromise, just command.

Their chemistry was enough in conversations, and their partnerships were even better in business, but sex opened a new level of understanding. A different way of being and connecting.

They'd probably be in love by now if they weren't so stubborn.

"Kenrō," she sighed, reveling in his streamline of kisses as they resolved their lovemaking and entered a phase of aftercare.


"I heard there might be an opportunity for Sage," she was always in the know about platforms that could shoot artists into the stratosphere. That's how the two had even met.

"Damn, I just put it on you, and you already back to the business?" Ken chuckled while grabbing his phone from the nightstand.

She did the same before laying beside him once again. "My bad. It was great, as always. I liked the new thing you tried too. That'll definitely be replaying in my mind later."

"I bet," he smirked.

She sent a few e-flyers to his phone. "But, yeah. There's a few showcases comin' up. I think it'd be worthwhile to get Sage out there. For exposure. For experience."

"Yeah, fasho," he nodded while swiping through the material she'd given him. "But what's the catch?"

"It costs... a lot."

"What's a lot? $200?"

She winced, bracing herself for his reaction. "$500."


"A piece."

He almost had to laugh. "Goddamn, Mel."

He sat up, propping his back against his pillows.

"I know, I know, but one of 'em is promising to shop a demo around for a deal. And the other is hosted by a big name."

He sighed, his head stuck to his headboard. He weighed his options.

It's not like they had to do every showcase they came across. And it's not like anybody needed a label anymore, but it sure as hell ensured access to a lot of things that they simply didn't have. Money, equipment, resources.

They needed to take every opportunity out there, no matter the cost. After all, they had a mantra: By Any Means.

It would go against the code to leave any stone unturned, any opportunity untaken. Especially when their fridge was running low while they both had more than one job. There was a dream hanging on a hook, and it was time to go get it.

Only God would know if it'd take them out of the murky waters of Mason.

"When are they?" Kenrō inquired with his eyes stuck to the ceiling.

Me, You, and MasonWhere stories live. Discover now