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Her eyes were wide as she slid right into his crosshairs. Her heart stumbled in unsteady strides as she sighed, recovering from the fright he'd given her.

"God, you scared me, Sage," she revealed a smile.

Sage didn't reciprocate, even as she approached him. He noticed that she'd paired one of Ken's shirts with yesterday's denim.

"What'chu doin' here, Jam?" he asked as she extracted her phone from her back pocket.

"I'm leavin'. My uber'll be here in a minute," she brisked past him to get to the door.

"I mean, what'chu was doin' here to begin wit'?"

She scoffed, "You told me to bring Ken home. Why else would I be here?"


"How was the rest of the party? Y'all had fun?" Her eyes sank to her phone screen.

"Yeah. Why you ain't come back?" He wanted to see how close to the truth he could get without asking for it bluntly.

"There wasn't nothin' there for me. Besides, Ken needed some company," She shrugged.

"Oh, really?" his eyebrows nearly disappeared into his hair.

"Sage—Ooh!" Her eyes widened at her phone screen. "My car is here. I gotta go. Bye!"

Out of the front door she flew, and into a Nissan, she landed.

Sage locked the door with the shake of his head before waltzing over to Ken's bedroom door.

With a knock and a short wait, he was allowed in. Sage opened the door to find Ken rolling up a blunt at his desk.

Ken peered up and nodded at his friend, "What's up, bruh?"

"What's up? You good?"

"Nothin' like a blunt to cure a hangover," he shrugged.

"Yeah, that sounds healthy," Sage smirked.

Kenrō snickered at his sarcasm before sealing his leaf.

"Aye, uh," Sage began as if it was a question that just popped into his mind, "what was Jam doin' here?"

"She stayed the night," he slurred, continuing to lick and tuck.

"Why?" Sage scoffed.

Ken pondered it as if he didn't know. It wasn't like there was a good reason for her to do so, but there wasn't necessarily a bad one either.

He settled on another shrug, "Why does it matter?"

" 'Cuz this is my place too, and I think I should know who'll be sleepin' here, especially if they don't pay rent."

"You soundin' a lil'... pressed right now, brother," Ken chuckled.

Sage kissed his teeth.

Ken added, "I'm just sayin'... you don't come this hard when Mel spends the night."

"Because I know Mel!"

"You've known Jam longer," Ken chuckled.

Sage leaned against the doorway while his roommate sealed his blunt with a lighter.

"Mane, just ask me whatever you need to ask me because jealousy is not a good look," Ken couldn't withhold his amusement, made evident by his widening grin.

Sage didn't hesitate, "I'm not jealous."

"Why do you care if Jam spent the night then?"

"Because she don't need nobody fuckin' wit' her."

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