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Third POV:

SILVER! Espio yelled. Silver whipped his head around towards Espio, his eyes welling up with tears at the sight of the chameleon. They dashed towards each other, embracing  one another in a tight hug as the building around them continued to crumble. "What are you doing in here?!" Silver wailed above the loud cracking of wood. "I should be asking you the same thing. We must get out of here, now." Espio cupped Silvers hand, swiftly leading him throughout the burning remains of the Library. "Espio..!" Silver rasped, coughing into his other arm as Espio dragged along the other. Espio took deep breaths, Silvers voice getting tuned out by all the other worries jumbling in his head. In his hurry to get Silver out, he hadn't noticed Silvers attempt at warning him of the collapsing ceiling above. A loud crack pulled Espio out of his thoughts, looking up at the burning mass falling above him. A shove lurched him forward, slamming hard on the ground onto his forearms. "AAUGH!" Silver screeched, the agony evident in his voice. His leg was trapped under the torn up wreckage that once was the ceiling. "SILVER!" Espio yelled, immediately picking himself up and attempting to lift the rubble. His arms were brushed and his head became fuzzy. Each time he tried to lift it up, a jab of coughs struck his chest, his body jarring with every strained breath. The cuts, burns and scrapes covering his body only lessened his ability to move the debris.

"Espio just.. stop." Silver placed his hand on Espios arm, a weak smile tugging at his lips. "No, I.. I can't! I can't leave you here!" Tears streamed down Espios face as he still tried to release Silvers leg. Silver looked around, watching as more and more ceiling tiles crumbled down from above. He looked ahead, noticing the faint glow of red and blue lights. "You know I love you, right?" Silver weakly smiled, more and more tears flowing out his eyes and rolling down his face. His lip quivered ever to slightly as the little smile adorning his face grew harder and harder to maintain. "What..?" Espio looked down at Silver, tear streaks staining his face as new ones continued to form. "You need to leave-" Silver began to shove Espio out with his telekinesis, using the last bits of strength he had left. "no, No NO, SILVER STOP, LET GO OF ME NOW!" Espio yelled at Silver, trying to grab onto the burning wooden boards piled together. Silvers ears lowered as breathing became a harder task, his vision blurring and slowly loosing sight of the chameleon. With one final push he shoved Espio out the doors, ceiling boards falling down and blocking the entrance. Espios head slammed against the concrete stairs, loud ringing filling his ears upon impact. Flames burst out of the doors, more people backing away from the building. "SILVER!" Espio screamed, hauling himself off the ground and making a beeline to the buildings entrance. Strong arms held him back, wrapping around his shoulders and jerking him backwards. "ESPIO NO." Vector bellowed behind him, using quite a bit of force to hold Espio back. "There's nothing you can do." Espio wheezed, his entire body trembling as Vector held him. He watched as multiple fire fighters broke down the debris blocking the door, flooding back into the building to find any remaining survivors. "His head." Charmy whispered behind Espio. He slowly reaching behind his head to feel blood trickling down to his neck.

Everything became numb. He didn't even notice when Vector let go of him, or when Charmy hugged his side. He didn't feel the throbbing pain from gash in his head after slamming against the concrete or the cuts all over his body. He couldn't make out voices or feel the heat radiating from the fire. It was all numb. "WE NEED A STRETCHER OVER HERE!" Espios eyes flicked up. One of the firefighters held Silvers limp body in his arms, carefully laying him down on the stretcher that was swiftly wheeled over to him. Espio snapped out of his temporary paralysis, jolting over to Silver. He tripped on small stones and debris the entire way to Silver, his entire body weak from everything that had played out.

There, laying before him was Silver. His eyes were closed and his body was fully limp, large cuts cover his body along with patches of bloodied fur. He looked a darker shade of gray from all the ash tainting his fur. An oxygen mask was quickly strapped over his muzzle which only worsened Espio fears. It went by so quickly. His newly found lover, the spark of light in his life, the one he swore to be by their side stood what seemed to be lifeless in front of him. And all he could do.. was stare.

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