Kids (Nalu)

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Lucy's POV

"So, what do we do with it?"

I smacked Natsu, "She's not an it! Gajeel and Levy asked us to watch her so they can enjoy a night out. You were there when they asked us Natsu!"

He smiled sheepishly, "Oh, right. Cool, that means I get to play with Rose!"

Rose was seated propped up on our couch cushions, her small arms reaching out as if waiting for Natsu to pick her up. She smiled sweetly and I couldn't help but let the tension release from my shoulders as I watched her.

Before Natsu picked her up I grabbed his arms so he could look me in the face and I could make sure he was listening to my next words,

"Remember Natsu, she's just a baby. Be gentle because Mavis knows we were not Gajeel's first choice as babysitters."

"Psh. I know, don't worry Luce! Remember when we took care of Asuka? I know how to play with kids!"

I blushed at the memory before speaking, "Yeah but Asuka was 7. Rose is only 3."

As if understanding our conversation Rose suddenly babbled, "I big!"

I giggled as I picked her up and held her to my chest.

"Yeah, probably because you're the daughter of that big ass metal head," Natsu explained.

This earned him another smack, "Don't cuss in front of her you idiot!"

Natsu grumbled as I went to the kitchen to prepare food. As I reached for different items, Natsu pulled Rose from my arms and held her by the armpits, his arms outstretched as he wordlessly analyzed her.

"Hold her properly!"

"Stop huffing, I'm taking care of her so you can cook!"

I rolled my eyes before returning to chopping the ingredients but still maintained awareness of Natsu and Rose just in case.

Natsu took her back to the couch and plopped her down. He started playfully acting out a battle (of course he was pretending to be a dragon) and all I could hear was Rose's giggles as Natsu pranced around the coffee table and breathed out small puffs of fire.

"Be careful," I warned, "you better not burn any of my furniture!"

Natsu ignored me and continued playing with Rose.

When I finally finished our meal and cut up the food into small enough pieces for Rose, I made my way toward the couch. I couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming scene in front of me. Natsu was lying asleep on the couch with an arm protectively around Rose as she lay on his chest, also napping. I quietly set down the plates and used my camera lacrima to take a quick picture.

He'd be a good dad.

I blushed at the thought before sitting on a chair to eat. That idiot would probably accidentally burn off the little hair a baby had if he were a dad.

When Levy and Gajeel came late in the night to pick up Rose, Natsu was back to playing with her to distract her from the fact that it'd been hours since she'd last seen her parents.

"Thanks so much Lucy!" Levy exclaimed.

Gajeel nodded along his thanks as he held a sleepy Rose.

"Hey, don't I get a thanks too?" Natsu complained childishly.

"Oops. Sorry Natsu, thank you too," Levy replied.

Gajeel rolled his eyes, "I'm surprised ya even managed to help. I woulda bet my cat that you'd make my poor girl cry."

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