| Delicate | 39 |

Start from the beginning

As our laughter died out we realized not one person was still paying attention to us. So we just started talking gibberish to each other, I don't even remember if it was in English, but we understood each other just fine.

     Somehow at some point Steve got ahold of some cards and we attempted to play poker. It was mostly just us throwing cards down and laughing about it. We just sat on that floor for hours joking around and laughing about anything and everything.

      Johnny and Two-Bit were the only ones who weren't there. Wish sucked for me because the only thing I wanted more than booze was Johnny. He'd probably be trying to sober me up and ask what was wrong, which is what I wanted.

      I eventually passed out leaned against the wall. I woke up with Steve nudging me with his foot.

"Stacy wake upppppp, it's like three in the morning" I rubbed my eyes trying to remember where I was and why Steve was kicking me

I definitely didn't need to be drinking, my head hurts."Okay? Why're you wakin' me up?"

The living room is completely dark and I can barely see my hands in front of my face "'Cause you're on the floor. At least get on the couch."

I wobble my way to the couch "What about you?"

"I'm takin' Pony's old bed. I think we drank a tad too much."

I lay down on the couch "Ya think?"

Steve starts walking off "Night Stacy!"

"Night Stevie"

    I'm out like a light the second I close my eyes. That couch is incredibly comfortable when you're hungover and confused. I thankfully didn't have any nightmares or dreams. I wish I had clothes to change into because my jeans were not made for anything but standing and maybe sitting.

At some point I 'woke up', my brain was awake and I could hear but I wasn't up and moving, and I was just laying face down with my hands under my head. I heard the boys talking around me.

"Alright, breakfast is ready." Darry calls from the kitchen, the smell of bacon and chocolate cake floats through the air

"Guess that means we've gotta wake Stacy up." Steve says

"Yup." Two-Bit says "I should pour water on her." I will murder him.

"Ok no." It's Soda "Why would you do that?"

"It would be funny?" Two chuckles "I'm gonna do it."

Steve sighs "Alright man it's your funeral." Aw hell I have to get up don't I?

I hear footsteps walking away, the tap turning on, and footsteps coming back.

I hear two start to chuckle and I roll over "Pour that on me and you're dead before you hit the ground." That makes Steve and Soda start to laugh

Two backs up with the water "Darn it." He says under his breath

I stand up off the couch and I surprisingly don't really have a headache. "Now what in your tiny little mind said it would be a good idea to try and pour that on my head?"

Two shrugs "It would've been funny."

"It would've been funny till she killed you." Soda adds

I walk to the kitchen and grab a couple pieces of bacon from the plateful that Darry cooked. I wasn't hungry enough for a full meal.

I was watching Dally, Soda, and Steve play each other in poker when I heard the front door open and Two-Bit talking. I looked around to see Two-Bit and Johnny walking in the door.

I perk up and rush to hug Johnny "Hi!" I say into the hug

"Hey beautiful" god I love it when he calls me that

We separate "Where were you last night?"

"I stayed over at Two-Bit's place since I knew Steve was staying here." He smirks "We're you lookin' for me?"

"Sure was. You were all I was looking for actually." He starts to turn red "But instead I got stuck playing cards with Steve."

"Hey! You had fun and you know it!" He shouts from the kitchen.

"Whatever Randle!" I shout back

He places a hand on the side of my neck and pulls me in for a good long kiss. I hear the gang shouting behind us and can't help but smile.

"Y'know how I said I wanted to take you on a date?" I nod "how about tonight- er this afternoon?" Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

"Sure! What should I wear?"

"Somethin' suitable for grass and outdoors"

I interlace our fingers "Alright, how will I know when it is?"

"I'll come get you"

"Sounds like a plan!" I sigh "I guess that means I've got to go home and get ready." And confront my brother.

"And that means I've got to get it set up, and get myself ready." He says awkwardly. He's so cute. "I'll walk you home."

"Sounds good."

We leave the house and start to walk down the street, hand in hand, kissing, and joking with each other.

Maybe someone could want me.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
We had a script read through and did some improv the other day for The Outsiders and the boy who plays Steve will not look me in the eyes. Idk if he hates me or what but dude will not make eye contact 😭
Thanks for reading!!

Word count : 1505

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