The Last Day Part I

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All you need is a witch to jog your memory and you'll remember.

Damon was tossing and turning in bed. He placed a hand on his head in frustration.

He whipped off his covers and shot up, fighting the scream lodged in his throat.

After the night before and Elena's series of stupid decisions, he had been in a rotten mood.

First she wanders away after removing the stake from Elijah.

She gets away and then goes back to him and stupid Stefan let her.

Then she comes waltzing in, even inviting one of their arch enemies into his home as if that's a smart idea.

And Sasha. Sasha who was usually the logical one went along with Elena like a fool.

He thought about how he had sent Andie away before he did something stupid and 'old Damon' like to her.

Everyone around him was currently driving him crazy and he needed one sane person in his life and for some reason all he could think about was Emmeline and her words.

She had to be lying, right? I mean anyone who was associated with Katherine had to be an impulsive liar.

But Damon was intrigued. He knew there was something more there. He had known ever since he met Alisha Bennett. He just wanted answers.


Damon hadn't noticed Sasha appear at the door of his bedroom.

He fought the urge to roll his eyes.

"What is it?" He demanded.

Okay cranky pants. Sasha thought to herself.

She knew Damon had been in a bad mood since what her and Elena had done but a small part of her had been hoping he'd be over it by now. The other part knew that wasn't the Damon she was dealing with.

"Family meeting downstairs, we're just waiting on the grumpy and cocky annoying uncle." She spoke in a teasing voice.

Damon rolled his eyes.

"We're not a family."

Sasha dropped her hands to her side and sighed. "Come on. We need all hands on deck. Just hear us out."

Damon had a lot of words for Sasha right now.

But he figured the least he could do was hear out their stupid plan so that he could tell them exactly why it was so stupid.

Damon walked past her, deliberately bumping into her.

"Okay drama queen." Sasha muttered underneath her breath.

When Sasha got back downstairs Damon had already joined everyone.

Elijah was standing.

Elena and Ali were sitting and Stefan stood by the stairs.

He looked at her and raised his brows as she approached.

"You actually got him to come down." He whispered looking impressed.

"Oh don't hold your breath, trust me, he might still storm out of this entire meeting." She whispered back.

Elena looked at the two snicker from where she sat. She frowned as she remembered the question she had asked Sasha the night before.

"Tonight is the full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse." Elijah announced.

"Elena said that the Sun and the Moon curse is fake. That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus." Stefan spoke up.

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