The Return

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"Caroline's doing much better." Sasha heard Matt's voice from the other end of the phone call. "Bonnie's here with us. At this point they're just keeping her for observation. She's gonna be okay in no time."

Sasha sighed in relief.

"How's it going over there? How's Tyler holding up?"

She looked over at the Lockwood estate which was filled with parked cars.

She turned and looked back into the house which was filled with people dressed in black.

Pretty much the whole town had shown up.

"He's putting up a good front." Sasha explained.

For the most part Tyler seemed numb.

Sasha had shown up to the house early to help Mrs Lockwood prepare and also to just be with Tyler.

He was moving and walking and talking but Sasha just saw emptiness behind his eyes.

"Bonnie and I will swing by as soon as I go home and shower." Matt spoke.

"That would be great." Sasha spoke. "Send Caroline my best."

"Sure." Matt spoke before hanging up.

"Was that Matt?" Alisha asked as she walked over to Sasha.

"Yeah." Sasha spoke. She had barely gotten any sleep and was still tired. But she was glad Alisha seemed to have rested. She had slept in Bonnie's room again.

"How are you?" Sasha asked.

Alisha shrugged. It really wasn't about her right now. Tyler had just lost a parent. She still had so many questions about Tobey and Maliyah and the Gilbert device but all in all she just wanted to be there for Tyler in his time of need.

"I'm okay. Has Tyler eaten? I was gonna get some food." Alisha spoke.

Sasha smiled. Her sister had always been so caring. "Let me handle the Lockwoods." She spoke.

Tyler wasn't the only one showing his grief in an unconventional way.

Mrs Lockwood was also a mess, overworking and overwhelming herself with funeral prep. Being more bossy to workers than usual.

Sasha knew it was just a front to conceal her real feelings. She had lost her husband. That wasn't easy in the least.

"But there is something I wanted to talk to you about." Sasha spoke suddenly remembering Elena's request.

"What is it?" Ali asked.

"Well." Sasha pulled on Alisha's hand leading her to sit down on the outdoor bench beside her.

She took her little sister's hand in hers.

"So, apparently Jeremy.... He uhm, he tried to kill himself last night."

Alisha's eyes widened. "What? And you're just telling me now?"

"A lot had been going on." Sasha tried to explain. "But he had Anna's blood in his system and -"

"He was trying to become a vampire." Alisha spoke in realisation.

Sasha furrowed her brows. "You knew?"

"I knew that Anna had offered him her blood but I - he told me he wouldn't do it." Alisha spoke. She was stunned, shocked, hurt and most importantly scared for Jeremy.

How could he try to do that to himself?

Sasha nodded. "Well he did. And Elena's worried. Which is completely understandable. So she asked me to talk to you and ask if you were willing to talk to Jeremy. Help him see reason."

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