chapter 9

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Lavender's P.O.V

"Announcement!" Wilbur screamed at the top of his lungs.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! We hear you! Shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!" I groaned, stuffing my head into my pillow.

"Huh?" Lynn opened her eyes bleary. "Isn't it 5:00 in the morning?"

"Well actually," he pulls his glasses up, "it's 5:01 in the morning." Wilbur corrected. "And the Trails are coming up so you guys are going to need the train more."

"TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I whined as I rolled off the bed.

"Okay, so do we have to wake up at 5:00 every day?" Lynn asked, tying her hair into a pony-tail.

"A better question, what are the fucking Trails that is the cause of me having to endure more torture from the idiot Techno?" I said with a frown on my face.

"We better get going before Wilbur tries to break our eardrums again." Lynn remarked, pulling on black boots that almost reached her knee.

"I'm not going- no, never-"

As if reading my mind, Wilbur screams at the top of his lungs again, shattering my sense hearing, "IF YOU DON'T COME DOWN RIGHT NOW, I WILL HAVE TECHNO DRAG YOU DOWN THE STAIR, KICKING AND SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Okay, okay, chill!" The threat of Techno freaked me out.

A few-tortuous-minutes later, Lynn and I finally came down the stairs. Techno was (still) an emotionless statue (like always). And Wil looked like a kid who was just told that he owned a candy store.

"What are the Trials?" I asked again, yawning.

"It's like a game." Wilbur said while munching on cornflakes.

"You make it sound fun. And I don't think it's fun." I said flatly.

"If you win, you get a free pass for a day. You can do anything you want."

"I'm listening." I said, perking up.

"You're paired up with a person that is around your age and height. Then you fight your opponent, there are 3 sensors on your body, your heart, right side, and left thigh. If your opponent hits 2 of the sensors, you're out."

"Well, damn the whole thing, Techno is not teaching me a single thing about fighting!" I cry out.

"Well you are improving but just do better." Techno said carelessly.

"We're going to try actual hand to hand combat now." Wilbur said Lynn, who was busy trying to climb onto a seat that was her height.

"Okay!" Lynn finally managed to get on by heaving herself with her hands to hoist her legs up and was now happily eating her frosted flakes as well.

"Alright, it's 5:20! Time for training!" Wil decided.

"I hate you." I grumbled.

Wilbur led Lynn to room 2 and I was half dragged to room 1.

As I walked into the room, Techno grabbed a spear from the wall and got into a fighting stance.

I also got into a fighting stance and he immediately lunged at me. I yelped and dodged it, then grabbed one of the duel swords from the wall. He fought me again, and I grunted as I blocked each hit with my weapon. He smirked, got behind me, and hit my side, launching me to the wall.

He had already hit me many times there, and it started to bleed. I got up and grabbed my sword and launched at Techno with a murderous glare. I had no idea what I was doing, seeing blood on my body from him made me lose it. I was too tired of this happening over and over and over again. I kept forcing Techno to block with my fast hits. I could see confusion on his face as I attacked. I managed to kick him in the shin and he grunted in pain.

Then, he hit me in the stomach, I choked on my breath and fell to the ground in pain.

"...the fuck is wrong with you?" I said as I clung onto my stomach.

"...get up."

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