Chapter 7

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Lynn POV

I woke up bright and early, ready for another day of training. Lav on the other hand, was groaning.

"Do I have toooooooooooooooooooooo?" She whined.

"Umm, Wil said it was mandatory."

"Ugh. I won't last a single second!"

"Oh cheer up!"

"You wouldn't if you had to train with TECHNO."

"What, was it that bad?"

"YES!!!!!!! A million times YES!!!!!!!"

We dressed and went downstairs with Lav grumbling about Techno being a psycho maniac who had no human emotion.

Lavender POV

I grumble, but I wanted to be fashionable-

"FIVE MORE MINUTES!!!" Wilbur yells.

I guess not. I walk out, to see Phill, as usual.

"I am going to supervise the classes today." he says, I sigh in gladness as I knew I wasn't going to die today. "In the end, I'm going to be teaching some flying."

I looked at my wings, I brushed them last night, and they looked perfect. I walk to room 1 with Phil, hoping to not get launched anywhere-

The millisecond I see Technoblade with his sword near my face, I throw myself out of the way, almost tripping on Phil but landing on my feet.


Phil looks very surprised, then he claps. Techno, on the other hand, gets into his battle stance, but I didn't have any weapons.

"How am I supposed to fight-?" Technoblade moves so fast that he disappears. I see him at the last second and side step him and try to pull off the same move that he did to me, elbowing him. I fail, and roll on the ground. He then proceeds to fling me up with his sword and bash me on the ground- but Phil catches me.

I gasp, "Thanks Phil." Tehcnoblade frowns.

"Why did you do that dad?"

"I need to teach her flying lessons after, and stop beating her up."

"Wait," I question, "Dad?"

They both pause to look at me.

"You guys look nothing alike."

They look at eachother.

Lynn popped her head in, "what's all the sound about?"

Wilbur also came inside, "Daphne! You're supposed to come to room 2-!" He freezes, "What the...?"

"Phil is Techno's dad." I said.

"Wait WHAT?!" Lynn gaped, "Next thing you'll say that Wil and Techno are siblings!"

"Umm, that's actually kinda true..." Wil mumbled.

"I am so confused right now." I said, turning from one to the other of the so-called brothers.

"Back to the lesson." Techno said briskly.


"What?" He asked, glaring.

"Nope, you're going to tell me why you didn't tell me this sooner, AND why you keep treating me like a ragdoll EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. WE. TRAIN. If you want me to be able to fight, at least TEACH ME. Like seriously, what's the point of attacking someone if they don't know how to fight?! If you want me to LEARN how to fight, beating me up isn't going to help. Wil actually TEACHES Daph, and she's already covered bow/arrows, throwing knives, AND ninja stars! Plus battle stances and defense. SO WHY DON'T YOU JUST FUCKING TECH ME!?!?!?!?"

Everybody froze at my outburst and then Lynn started clapping. Almost everyone burst into laughter except Techno, who still looked stunned that I had stood up to him.

*time skip :(*

I had my classes with Phil, we just glided a bit, and he left. Technoblade came up to me and said, "you need to build up your muscles first, then it's combat training, so come with me" He opens the door out and walks to another room

Lynn POV

After we got that mess sorted out, Wil and I went to our training room.

"What are we going to start with now?" I asked Wilbur.

"Did you finish your homework?"

"If you're talking about the mountain of books you made me read, then yes."

"Good, now today we'll move onto daggers."

"But I prefer long range weapons!"

"In battle, you have to learn to do both. What if you run out of arrows or ninja stars or throwing knives?" Wil questioned.

"Um, self defense?" I guessed.

"The other opponent could have a weapon."

"I don't need a weapon to not get shot or stabbed."

"That's not the point, it's a good advantage to learn how to fight with long and short range weapons."

"Okay fine."

"Good, now you position your hand like this..." Wil lectured on and on about how to hold the dagger, fight with it, what my stance should be.

"A dagger isn't as damaging as the sword. Nor is it easier to fight with. A sword is longer, which helps your opponent from being too close. But a dagger is light and easy to conceal. It should be easy to handle if you're smart and strategic."

"Mmm hmm," I nodded.

Wil yabbered on for a while and I just stood there, zoned out.

"Daph, Daph, DAPH!"

"Huh, what?"

"Did you hear what I just said?" Wil huffs.

"Umm, the pythagorean theorem?" I guess, shrugging.

"No, I was talking about the places on the body that are weakest."

"Ohhhh... Can you start over?"


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