chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Lynn's perspective

Where the heck am I? I struggled to get up as I pushed myself up and propped up on the camping cot that was in the corner of a small room with red walls. There was a table with a singular book that had a worn brown cover. I opened it and it said,

August 14, 2056

I'm close to finding the Cure. I just know it. If I mix the correct formula and add... I'm not sure yet.

April 9, 2058

I know it now! I know the Cure!


Insert stuff

Insert stuff

Insert stuff

Insert stuff

Insert stuff

Insert stuff

Insert stuff

Insert stuff

And a drop of blood from

The part that said from- was ripped out and it made me wonder, who were the people that they needed blood from?

Then, just as I was going to close the book, I realized that the dates were me and my sister's birthdays.

What a coincidence I thought to myself,

Then I thought, 'where is my sister?'

I walked outside of the room, trying to remain quiet.

Techno and Wilbur appeared out of nowhere.

"Where do you think you're going?" Wilbur scowled as he spoke to me. He seemed very threatening but I said,

"Uh, walking?" I asked, shrugging.

Techno burst into laughter, "You're getting burned by a child, GET OWNED!" he burst into another round of laughter. After he calmed himself, he asked, "but, really, where are you going?"

"I'm trying to find my sister," I replied back, knowing that I could be in trouble if I keeped playing around.

"I think she's still in her roo-" a scream cut off Wilbur and my sister came running and slammed me onto the ground with a hug.

"I missed you Ly- Daphne, BUT PHILZA'S TRYING TO POISON MEEEEEEEEE!" Lavender whined as she hugged me tighter.

"Ok, first let me go," I said as her face got flushed by embarrassment and helped me to my feet, "and second, why is the mighty Crowe father trying to poison you?"

"I don't knowwwwwwww, I just woke up and boom he was like 'Imma drug you with my syringe.'"

"No, I did not do that." Phil walked into the room and Lavender screamed, waving her hands maniacally.

"THERE HE IS!" She quickly hid behind me and I knew she was acting dramatically.

"I did not try to drug you yet! And I asked politely," Phil replied.

"THE KEY WORD THERE IS 'YET'!" Lav yelled again.

"Well, why were you trying to drug her?" I asked semi-politely.

"I was just going to explain that to both of you," he said, "also," he turned to face Wilbur and Techno, "you two are both excused" Wilbur and techno both nodded and walked down the hallway. Philza said, "why don't we talk about the whole drug thing while we walk to a place where you guys can calm down."

We both looked at each other and nodded.

After a few minutes of silence and walking, Phil opened his mouth to talk, "so, about this whole drug thing, its a long story, but in short, this drug awakens your inner power."

"What do you mean by inner power?"

Sorry for this short chapter but i'm going to be writing like this from now on..... Hope you don't mind :)

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