Coastal Battery Q

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1909. 1 year of war, 1 year of pain and suffering. Now it's our time to shine and take back what's ours.
With a Rour, we charge, but this time we're backed up by armored autos. And a ship. I look at my commander as he yells out orders. "For too long have they stepped on our land. Bring victory to Cetus and make your nation proud. Push forward and push the beast BACK!" And that's what we do. There's three costal batteries blocking our ships. Our objective? Take them. And that's what we're going to do. I watch the other men spill up, all aiming for different areas. I charge and hide behind cover as the corvuns unleash fire. I cock my rifle and run by a tree dropping down to the ground.
three corvuns in a ditch. I take out my grenade. Pull the pin and throw it. I hear them yell and scream, "Grenade!! There's a Grenade run!!" But they were too late. One managed to get out, but it exploded. The two inside died, and I rushed to the last one and stomped on his neck, his leg blown away. I spit on his face and stomped on his head. 
Dirty fucking Corvun. I say as I smash my boot on his face. I hear the snaps and cracks of bones breaking as he cries for me to stop, but there's no mercy here. There is no mercy for anyone. Not after what they did. I end his misery as I stomp his head on a rock. I hear the final crack. And his eyes close slowly as a single tear comes down. I spit in his face and jump in the ditch, looking for more survivors. 
But there's none, so I take their equipment. I run forward and nod to a soldier by my side as we make it to the first costal battery. I watch the armored truck move in and spray the corvuns, giving us enough time to move in.
They think I'm stupid. They think I can't hear them. I throw a gernade into the battery and cover my ears as I watch it explode. A man comes out, burning in flames, but I bash my rifle in his face, kicking him down as I blow his brains out. I run in and cock my rifle, seeing the remaining survivors, most crying; others try crawling away.
But I don't let them. I walk forward and take my time killing them. One by one. 
Each death brings me joy—a joy never felt before. Some may seek revenge, but here it's justified. 
I walk to the last one and cock my rifle as I aim at him, but he smiles at me. I look down at his hand and see a grenade.
As soon as I see it, I yell, "Grenade, he has a fucking grenade. Get out!!" But as I ran out, I felt a sharp, stinging pain in my leg. I drop down and look back, just to see the same Corvun smiling with the pistol in his other hand.
Then I understood that he wanted the same thing as me. He didn't care for his mission or his orders. He wanted revenge. Like me. Dirty bastard. 
I explode and get slammed into the wall. I gasp again and again, my throat exposed. I cover it with my hand but blood doesn't stop coming out. I try to move, but my legs hurt so much. They feel like each time I drag myself, I drag myself through glass and hot coal.
I make it to the ammunition in the corner. The corvuns are still around, and I can't afford to lose, even if it costs my life. 
I take both of my remaining gernades and pull the pin on both of them. 3. 2. 1.
For cetus. 
Lennie Hill, 1890–1909
I look at my driver as I man the top gun. I'm lucky I can't see much. Only a small view; everything else is covered. I fire, and I keep firing. I hear bullets hit the car, but none pass through the armor. My crew captain yells, "Cover our boys while they take the battery!!" The driver moves forward, and I keep shooting. Then a loud sound is heard.
The car moves. I dropped down and hit my head on the floor. I look up, and the driver's head falls off. An anti-tank rifle hits us and hits the driver more specifically. Armoured autos are strong, but not strong enough. I look at his head in disgust as I throw up on myself. My friend grabs me and moves my head around.
"HEY Hey, hey, hey, look at me, your okay, your here, lad, your fine. We gotta hold this line; there's no time for all this. " 
I look at him, holding back from throwing up again. "His.. his head just fell off. What the fuck.. how.. do I just keep going normally?" 
And so I do. I get on my hands, shaking. I hold my vomit back, swallowing it as I unleash the rain of bullets. Each time I hit someone, I just want to throw up. I can't take it anymore. Tears build up in my eyes. I look at each corpse, and I stop shooting. I curl up in a ball and break down. I fall something on my head, look up, and see my leader. A pistol points to my head as my life is over. 
Is this peace? 
I dash forward clutching my flamethrower as I look at a Cetan armored truck with a hole already in it. I go to the hole and put my gun in as I unleash a flame inside. I hear them scream, and some run out but fall and die. Or maybe they've already dead the whole time. 
I keep going, aiming at a Cetan-controlled costal battery, but stop and look up at a red flare. 
A loud horn is heard. I see a ship coming as they launch artillery, hitting everyone and everything. I run away and try to hide for cover, but an artillery shell hits close by. Sharpel hits my tank as it begins to leak oil. I panic and take off my oil tank and throw the flamethrower down as I go and grab a rifle off a dead cetan and drop it on the dirt as I try to figure out how the fuck do I use this thing.
I pull the top back, but nothing. I shoot once, thinking it was maybe some kind of auto-shooter, but no. I can't figure this out and look at a cetan running by. As I bash the handle of the rifle in his chest, he drops down and throws a rock at me. I hold my nose and groan in pain as we both look at the rifle. I run towards it, and so does he, but he gets it first. And he knows how to use it. 
So that's how you do it. He cocks the handle back, but I tackle him down and punch him repeatedly. He grabs his knife and stabs me in the side. I grab his arm and try to fight for the knife, my strength fading as blood leaks from my body.
I push all my weight on his hand until he gives out. I grab his knife and jab him in the side and aim for his neck next, but he throws me off him as we both roll down the hill and land at their bottom. I try to stand up, but fail. I look at him as he walks off, holding his side. 
I stay there, bleeding out. I watch the clouds move, the sun shine on me, the birds fly above us, and the waves of the sea hit me. It's so gentle in this unforgiving world. I look up as tears roll down my cheek. 
Why couldn't we live in peace? 
1884-1909 Karl-Heinz Eichhorn
The ship's artillery is hitting everywhere; didn't they tell them to aim at the corvuns? None the less, I hear the Corvuns retreating, We're winning; we're finally winning; we pushed them back. I smile and run towards the last remaining costal battery with so many other men, all with no longer looks of sadness and depression but with pride and happiness. Another flare goes up as we keep running... 
the artillery Is hitting too close, Do they even know where they're aiming? I turn around and try to avoid the artillery, but a loud sound hits me as I get blown back. My ears ring, and I can't hear anything anymore. 
It hurts. Everything hurts. I can't hear anything; my body is all torn up. Who knows where the rest of my limbs landed? 
Why me? 
Harry Booth, 1987–1909
A flare goes up in the sky: "Man, the guns!!" My captain yells, I load the cannon, and I nod to my crewmate as we await coordinates, but none arrives. 
I look at my captain, and he looks back at me, annoyed and stressed. I clear my throat and say, "Sir, we can't take too much time. Is there at least any area we can say is corvun controlled?" 
He looks at me. Then at the coast, he raises his finger as he clears his throat and says, "Hit everything there." 
And so we do. We load, aim, and fire. My arms tire after doing it so much, but I have to keep loading. 
And then a loud explosion is set off at the last costal battery. It's still there, just really. Really damaged. I look at my captain as he says, "There it is. They went out very flashy, didn't they?" 
I look at him and back at the remains of the costal battery. "Yes, sir. They did.." 
We won, and we took something back. Finally, after so much time, we finally made a score. 
What a day for Cetus!
Jonathon wood.

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