the north-east coast.

88 3 2

Years 1903 a year of war. A year of pain. We're about to go all out to take all of the northeast canis Coast. If we win, it'll be a great victory and a huge blow to the ursans.

"Keep it steady, lads! We're almost there!"

We walk to the final stand of the ursans. They've dug in and prepared for us. The area is filled with mines. Traps and more. The land is rocky.. not a lot of plants or animals. So it's hard to live off the land.

Since we've been walking through this desert a lot of Canisians have joined us. Most use a mix of civilian and hydran uniforms.

Ursans are getting hit hard we've taken a good portion of their land.

And so we walked, and walked, and walked, our water is running low our supplies are scarce so taking this last line of defense is vital to our survival.

We all come to a stop. The Ursan trench isn't far from us.

"Alright soldiers! Do you see those ursan savages ahead of us?!" Our general says as he points forward.

"Sir yes sir!" We all yell.

"We shall lay siege on the ursans. And we will break them physically and mentally. Once we've done enough damage that's when you lads come in. Your officer will give you your orders when ready." He says.

We all began to dig in and later on artillery began to pummel the ursans.

This was day one.

Day 2 consisted of pure artillery. We watched it as it all happened. The smoke from the bombs and the artillery that lights the sky. The ground shakes from every impact. It makes you wonder what's happening on the ursan side. Poor ursans. They didn't know what was coming. I can imagine them running around, hiding. Crying.

As the third day arrives it is the Infantry's turn.

We climb out of our trenches and look towards the ursans.

We began to walk towards them. The walk turns to a jog, then a sprint.

We run forward toward the ursan lines they respond by opening firing.

The artillery hadn't hit them hard enough and their defense was still very active.

I drop down behind a tree and try to crawl forward but I feel someone grab and push me forward as they yell.

"Don't be a Coward!"

I keep running and running. And then I once again go behind a rock I look back and see the whole landscape full of blood and dead bodies. And then a whistle blows as our second wave pushes forward.

I join them once they get close to me and this time we fully puncture the ursan defence.

We jump into their trench the remaining ursans begin to charge at us.

Many fall from the charge and I climb out of the trench and try to get away but feel something grab my leg and pull me back into the trench.

I fall on my back as a Ursan cocks his gun and aims at me.

"kusok der'ma.." He says as he steps to me.

I close my eyes and a loud bang fills my ears. A warm liquid hits my face and as I open my eyes I see the ursan drop down on me a hole in his chest.

A group of our boys jump into the trench and help me up the soldier looks at me and pats my back as he says.

"I've got you, buddy. Now pick up your rifle and fight!"

I pick up my rifle and look at the soldier everyone runs in different directions and I follow a group of soldiers.

We make it to the end of a trench a group of ursans meet us and lift their rifles.

And then a whistle blows from the ursan side and the soldiers look at each other confused.

They drop their rifles and lift their hands and say.

"my sdayemsya"

We stare at the ursans.. we don't understand them at all. Then another one says in broken Librae.

"We surrender.."

And then a whistle blows from our side as our officers yell.

"Ceasefire Ceasefire! We've won boys!"

I go to the ursans and tie they're hands up as we walk them out the trench and line them up to be taken to a POW camp.

I look back as a ursan trys to run away.

"GET HIM!" I yell and start to chase him.

As he notices me chasing him he goes to the edge of a cliff and throws himself off.

I stop running and sigh a soldier says.

"Well he's dead.. it ain't your fault."

"I know.." I say as I walk away.

I look up at the sun then at the sand. I jump into our new trench and look around. A small smile creeps on my lips.

Victory is close.

(Image above is hydrus and Lepus uniforma"

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