Orion offensive.

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1902. We began our offensive against Ursa. The desert is harsh, and the ursans are dug in. They know we're coming.

But that doesn't scare me. The ursans are scared they know they can't take us. And they fear us.

As we March into a small village we find no resistance at all.

"Private Jackson!" My officer says.

"Sir?" I respond.

"Raise the flag on the highest house you can find. Take 2 of these fellas with ya as well." He says.

"Aye, sir." I say as I motion to the two soldiers coming with me to follow.

We make it to the tallest house. It's not that tall. About eighteen feet. We try to open the door but to no avail.

"The fuck?" I whisper.

"Move back I'll kick it down." The soldier next to me says.

"Sure thing...  uh.. what was your name?" I say.

"Lee." He says as he kicks the door.

After 3 kicks the door comes down.

I look to the other soldiers and ask.

"And you?"

"Private grant." He says.

"So Lee and Grant. I'm Jackson." I say.

"Nice to meet ya," Lee says.

"Nice to meet you too Lee."

We walk into the house and start to walk up the stairs. As we make it to the second floor we hear a voice coming from a room.

Lee signals to the door and tries to listen in.

"Civilians?" I whisper.

He puts up a finger and then looks at me.

"They ain't ours. They're speaking a different language" Lee says.

I nod my head grab my rifle and go to the right side of the door. Grant goes to the lift and Lee prepares to breach.

I put up 3 fingers and slowly put them down. One by one...

Then Lee kicks down the door me and grant walk in and lift our rifles.

2 ursans in the room look at us. One yells.

"Blyat!" One yells.

"Vzorvite bombu!" The other says.

They try to light a fuse but we take them down.

We walk in and inspect the fuse.

"Shit whole place is rigged. If they heard those shots they might just go blow everything." Lee says

I run out of the house and yell.


The ground shakes and each house begins to explode one by one.


And they were. A wave of artillery hits with little to no cover everyone just drops down and prays to survive.

And when it's over the ursans charge into the village our officer realizes the situation and yells.


The remaining soldiers all go behind cover but most of us are dead or wounded.

"JACKSON! JACKSON GET OVER HERE!" Our officer yells.

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