Why the war sarted in Cetus

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Southern Corvus is the main coal and iron producer as well as the agricultural sector of the Corvus Confederation. Prior to 1886, Corvus had begun industrializing through the use of its coal-rich south. Cities began converting to steam-powered machines for electricity, and these were all fueled by coal. By 1882, 80% of major urban centers had been converted to run on steam-powered generators.
Electricity was a great thing for the Corvuns. With the abundance of coal from South Corvus, it seemed as if everything could run on electricity for a very long time. The Corvuns became one of the first countries on Forma to build a nationwide power grid.
At the same time, Cetus had begun their maritime ambitions and required materials to build their ships. South Corvus held a great deal of iron and coal, and the Cetans saw that the Corvuns underutilized the iron supply. Since trading also proved too costly for the Cetans, they decided to invade and annex South Corvus in 1886.
The removal of South Corvus from Corvun control impacted the cities almost immediately. Power plants began running out of coal, and with nearly all urban centers relying on coal plants for electricity, there was too much demand and little to no supply. Half of the country’s coal reserves were in South Corvus, which had just been stolen by the Cetans. The transportation industry was severely impacted, as trains no longer had the means to keep their engines running. To make matters worse, the food sources from the South Corvus farmlands were cut off. Only a few mines in the north were able to keep producing coal, but the amount being mined was unable to keep up with the consumption rate of the cities.
Within a month, the Corvun power grid failed, and all cities underwent a blackout. The Corvun government was in panic. For the first few hours, not a single city in Corvus had access to electricity. Telegraphs were also disabled as a result, and the Corvun government was unable to communicate with the public. A decision was made to send messengers on horseback to each city in order to notify the Corvun population of the next steps. In short, electricity was no longer available, and citizens now had to use candles or old, outdated gas-powered lamps for lighting. Power appliances were non-functional, and the government was not sure how long the outage would last. It lasted for decades.
For the first week, citizens were unable to live life normally. Since the trains were inoperable and could not bring food en masse to the cities, the price of food began to rise. Within a year, bread and raw vegetables were the only food items on the market. Restaurants had closed down, as had most businesses.
As prices continued to increase, so did the crime rate. Corvuns, desperate for money and food, began resorting to violence to get what they needed. Food storages were broken into and robbed, and even random people on the streets were mugged. Food became almost as valuable as money, if not more valuable. The breakdown of civilization led to the deployment of the Corvun Army into the cities, where they would act as law enforcement in lieu of the police department. However, the soldiers, too, felt the impact of poverty.
In 1907, enough intelligence was gathered to determine that the Cetan Army was critically undermanned. Believing it was a numbers game, the Corvun army generals decided the best course of action was to take back South Corvus. A year later, they crossed over the border, with the majority of soldiers fueled by revenge for the suffering the Cetans had inadvertently caused their nation.
Causes for War
Regain the resource-rich southern territories required for her economy.
Revanchist desire against Cetus for causing an economic crisis.
Intelligence discovers the inferiority of the Cetan army.
Occupation of Southern Corvus, a resource-rich territory that Corvus desperately wants.
Severely undermanned army, which was discovered by Corvun intelligence, bolstering Corvun confidence.
Heavy focus on her navy to dominate the Inanis Ocean.

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