46: Keishin Ukai - The New Neighbour (Lemon)

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Warning! There's sexual content coming, meaning this should only be read by those 16+!

 I was thankful it was the weekend, as it gave me plenty of time to study for the upcoming exams. I was in my third year of Karasuno so this year was incredibly intense and laid the ground for future education and careers. I was determined to do my best and was thankful that I lived on my own, me moving towns to specifically go to Karasuno meaning I was living a more independent life. My apartment was small and in a slightly run-down building but it was all I could afford so I made do with what small space I had.

As I approached the building after picking up a little shopping I saw the landlady, Mrs Kayano, stood outside the flat next to mine, a tall man with her. The apartment next to mine had been empty for some time but it seemed as though she had finally found someone to take it. The last thing I wanted to do was socialise but I knew I'd have to if I was to get to my own place. "Ah, Miss (l/n)," Mrs Kayano said, her elderly voice being delicate.

"Good morning Mrs Kayano," I bowed politely.

"Welcome our newest resident, Mr Ukai," she gestured the man and when I raised my head I was able to get a better look at him. He was attractive and had a sharp jawbone, intense dark eyes and thick brown eyebrows which contrasted against his dyed blond hair that was being pulled back by a thin headband. I couldn't help but stand and stare at him for a moment, his ears lined with silver piercings and a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"Hey," he said in a deep, nonchalant voice.

"Hello," I bowed again but stood up straight quickly, wanting to look at him some more. I smiled and was relieved when he smiled back at me, even if it was only ever so slightly. "Please excuse me," I said, not taking my eyes off of him until I entered my own apartment, shutting the door behind me and letting out a deep breath. 'How am I supposed to stay focus now that he's moving in next door?' I thought to myself, hiding my head in my hands.

I tried to forget about him as I settled myself down for a day of studying, that day soon turning into night. The letters in the textbooks soon became blurred and scrambled in my head so I knew then that it was best to take a break. As always I headed out onto my balcony to get a breath of fresh air, but as I stepped out I smelt cigarette smoke instead. I looked to my right and saw Mr Ukai stood there, cigarette hanging from his lips again. He was on his own balcony but all there was between his and mine was a low railing, there wasn't any privacy screens. "Hello again," he said when he saw me.

"Hello," was all I managed, trying not to cough from the smoke that the wind was carrying in my direction. "It was Ukai, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, that's me. What about you?" He asked, leaning against his balcony barrier.

"Oh, sorry! I'm (y/n) (l/n), it's a pleasure to meet you," I said politely and he smirked. I couldn't tell if he knew just how handsome he was, but if he didn't know then I imagined that my staring at him was probably a clue.

"How long have you lived here?" He asked.

"Three years now. It's not a bad place to live, plus it's cheap," I said and he chuckled, nodding.

"Yeah, it seems alright. I've seen worse places," he took a drag of his cigarette.

"How come you've moved here?" I asked.

"It's closer to work for me. Plus my old building just seemed to be filled with business people, I felt seriously out of place," he chuckled.

"Most of the residents here are older people but they're all friendly enough," I said and his charming smile grew. I felt my heart beat a little quicker as the two of us sat on our balconies, chatting away and getting to know each other.

Haikyuu Character X Reader Oneshots Book TwoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu