Chapter 72

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Yumeji couldn't hold back her screams of agony as Konomi had slammed down her right hand-blade upon her right shoulder. Just as Yumeji tried to strike her down with electricity, Konomi was already behind her and struck her back with her left hand-blade.

"Too weak. My attacks are too weak. Compared to Tomioka-senpai, even when i'm copying him using my Beast Power, I can't even bring out half the strength he does."

"Get away from me, you damn brat!!!!!'

As Yumeji screamed out, she used her telekinesis to grab Konomi by her throat and hurled her through a tree. Soon Yumeji's body began to change. Right now, she had no room for holding back. In this moment, Yumeji needed to destroy Konomi at all costs.

 In this moment, Yumeji needed to destroy Konomi at all costs

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"Beast Power, Monkey!"

Suddenly Konomi jumped into the air as she kneed Yumeji in the face. However, Yumeji didn't flinch as she grabbed Konomi and threw her to the ground. Seeing this, Yumeji simply laughed at the young chief's display at this moment.

"Your normal power isn't going to cut it anymore. You're still too inexperienced, little girl!!!!"

"You're normal power isn't enough. It's a good thing you threw me to my solution for that problem."

As Konomi said this, she smiled as she was holding onto a chain. Suddenly the girl leaped into the air as she landed on Yuuki's back. Soon a bright pillar of light appeared as Yuuki's form began to change. The moment the light simmered down, Yumeji saw Konomi standing before her in armor.

"With this

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"With this ....maybe i'll finally catch up to Senpai."

~Outside the barrier~
"We can't keep up!"

That was the thought of both Kojima brothers as they felt their faces being grabbed and slammed into the ground. Suddenly Nagisa, turned around and grabbed Medusa by her wrist as slammed his right fist into her face and smashed her through a tree. Just as Medusa was sent flying, Nagisa was already in front of her as he slammed his fist into her face again as her body crashed into the ground.

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