Chapter 19

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The loud sound of a heavy impact was heard inside of dojo as the building began to shake. Inside of the dojo, Bang had slammed his fist into Nagisa's abdomen. The wall behind the boy broke down, yet Nagisa stood firmly in his place as he calmly released a breath from his lips. He finally did it, after days upon days of enduring full powered hits from Bang, he managed to perfect his body's toughness.

"I didn't use the Awakening Breath on him since it was quite possible he would've died at his previous level. But....if he wants to train harder, he might be ready for it soon."

"Hey, old man, how long has it been since we started training again?"

"I believe today will make it a month."

"I that case, I have a theory I want to test out."

~Outside of the Dojo~
"Water Breathing, First Form:Water Surface Slash."

A look of genuine shock formed on Bang's face with what he witnessed. Nagisa used his breath technique to cut the boulder perfectly in half. However, this wasn't the thing that shocked him. It was the fact that Nagisa managed to use his breath technique without even drawing his sword.

"Nagisa, how did you do this?"

"It was simple actually. A shuuki's body is way tougher than a boulder, plus you were able to damage shuuki with your barehand and the one I fought when I was attacked got damaged by my sword. After you taught me the hand blade technique, it got me wondering. If the technique allows my hand to function like my blade, then would I be able to use Water Breathing with just my hands?"

"This way if your sword broke, your opponent would let down their guard and assume you could only use martial arts. Not only that, it will confuse your foe since they won't know whether you will use your blade or hands for your Water Breathing."

"The goal I have is simple. While I try to improve the forms of Water Breathing even further with my sword, I would drill the basics into my hands."

Bang nods his head as he heard this. Truth be told, he never thought of combining the hand blade technique with Water Breathing. Nagisa was something else for coming up with something like that. As Bang looked at the time, he noticed that it was starting to get a little late.

"Nagisa, how about you head back to the sixth unit for now. We can continue your training another time."

"Sure, I guess it is getting rather late."

As Nagisa said this, he began to pack his things as he was going to head back to the gate and go back to the sixth unit. After bowing his head and thanking Bang for the training, Nagisa began to make his way back to the sixth unit. On his way there, the young man merely thought to himself.

"I'm definitely getting stronger, but as I expected, that sensation I felt when I fought that shuuki during the Mato Games hasn't popped up again. Not only will I have to deal with him but......"


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"..............i'll have to face her too."

"You look so beautiful, are you ready for the big day, Tsutako?"

Once again, the lead researcher of this operation was currently doing the hair of one of the girls who will be having her wedding soon. Not that the woman actually cares what happens to the children she abducted, they were just lab rats that she just so happen to pick up during the Mato incident.

The girl she was preparing to have mate with a shuuki was rather beautiful. She was a dark-haired young woman with light skin. She wore her hair in a thick braid tied with a light-colored ribbon down her back and a loose fringe over her forehead. Her eyes were a shade of dark blue. Right now she wore a dark red kimono and hakama tied below her chest.

 Right now she wore a dark red kimono and hakama tied below her chest

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Tomioka Tsutako

"I don't have a choice. It's either I do this, or Shikoku will release the shuuki that I am suppose to marry to slaughter everyone."

"Such a strong obligation. Are you doing this because you want to save everyone or are you merely doing this to save your little brother from being Mahoraga's victim. What was his name again, Nagisa?"

"I will comply with your experiment. However, you must keep your own end of the deal. In return for me doing this, you must release all the other children you brought into this, especially my brother."

The researcher merely laughed at this. She was a woman of her word, however, Shikoku might be an entirely different story. While the two of them were preparing for the wedding, Shikoku was seen outside of the facility sitting on the right shoulder of a rather large shuuki.

It was a towering, muscular humanoid shuuki with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage extending from the back of its head. Hovering just above this is a large eight-handled wheel. The humanoid shuuki also sports black hakama bottoms and a white sash around its waist to cover most of its lower body.

 The humanoid shuuki also sports black hakama bottoms and a white sash around its waist to cover most of its lower body

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"Don't worry, another "wife" will be prepared for you soon. For now let's ju-"

As Shikoku was about to finish her sentence, she noticed something strange. One of the boys that was being moved into the facility  managed to notice her presence as he was being locked away. This shocked the humanoid shuuki as she was actually concealing both her and Mahoraga's presence. The boy had black hair and blue eyes just like Mahoraga's soon to be bride. Seeing this, Shikoku let a smile appear on her face.

"Well then, looks like I actually did find something interesting while going along with this dumb experiement. Let's go, Mahoraga. It's time we end this so called wedding personally."

~Flashback Ends~

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