Chapter 31

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As he was slowly opening his eyes, Nagisa found himself waking up inside of the dojo. Though he couldn't help but notice that his head was resting on something soft. When he was looking around, he saw Tobera smirking at him.

"Hey there, boy. You loving the pillow?"

"Give me a name and I might. Otherwise it feels creepy having a lap pillow from a stranger."

"Hahaha. I like you kid, the name is Azuma Tobera. Bang called me over to patch you up in case you and Goo Goo over there had serious injuries."

As Tobera said this, she pointed over at Goo. He was happily sitting in a chair and counting some money he had gotten from Bang. Not only that, he was wearing a new pair of clothes since the ones he wore before got damaged. Soon the young man began to drink a cup of coffee as he wore a smile on his face.

"Ah, nothing beats a good cup of coffee after being paid so much

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"Ah, nothing beats a good cup of coffee after being paid so much. That was a good work out, don't you agree, Little Nagi."

"Don't get so casual with me, Goo Goo."

The two young men laughed wholeheartedly before suddenly picking up some nearby wooden swords and trying to strike each other. However, this was suddenly put to a stop as Bang jumped between them and destroyed the wooden swords.

"Nagisa, I know this may come as a surprise to you, so I will explain this to you. My specialty is martial arts, as you know. I can teach you how to fight with your body, however, I noticed something when you first used Breath of Water. Your true talent lies in both martial arts and the use of weaponry."

"And that's where I come in, Little Nagi. Bang here paid me to fly from Korea to here to see if you really had the potential for that way of fighting. You passed, so now you're my secret friend. While Bang drills his marital arts training into you, i'll be turning you to this generation's weapon genius."

"Its probably a good thing he called me instead of Gun. If he got his hands on him, we'd just have a second Gun on our hands. Not only that, it seems like this Nagisa kid doesn't know that "hidden talent" he has yet."

As Goo was thinking this, he looked to see Nagisa's reaction to this info. However, he began to burst out laughing when he saw Nagisa and Tobera playing rock-paper-scissors. Right now, Nagisa was dancing as he won three times in a row. Seeing this, Bang chuckled as he looked at the boy.

"So you don't mind this arrangement?"

"I'm only tolerating it because you're the one who suggested it. You don't do things without a good reasons old man, so i'm trusting that."

"Heh. The seventh and sixth unit who were hospitalized will be discharged and back to their stations in two days. Not only that, afterwards, the chiefs are coming together for a meeting. The commander of the corps asked for both yourself and Wakura to attend."

After hearing this, Nagisa simply nods his head. However, the moment this happened, Nagisa suddenly lunged towards Goo and thrusts his right hand at the weapon genius. Goo had quickly smashed his coffee cup and held the broken handle as if it was a knife.

"Already down to business....get ready Nagisa, you're gonna become the stronger than you could ever imagine. After that chief meeting, you're gonna experience a training from hell."

~Two Days Later~
The sound of doors opening could be heard in the sixth unit base. As they walked through the doors, Sahara and Yachiho stretched their bodies. Soon a surprised look could be seen on their faces as various meals were all over the table.

"I know I might've went a bit overboard, but this was all I could think of doing

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"I know I might've went a bit overboard, but this was all I could think of doing. That and hospital food is usually more expensive and tastes like shit sometimes. So enjoy yourselves."

As Sahara and Yachiho heard this voice, they turned around to see Nagisa wearing a blue apron. The young man soon walked up to the two of them with a small smile on his face. Soon the boy simply placed both of his hands on top of their heads as he had one thing to say.

"Welcome back."

"Thanks, Nagi-chan."

"Thank you......Nagisa."

Soon the three of them sat down at the table and began to eat. Yachiho told Nagisa that Tenka would come back a little late since she wanted to visit Yuuki for a bit. Nodding his head, Nagisa could only laugh manically in his head on what type of blackmail material he could get on his best friend.

"Nagi-chan, you really changed, ya know."

"What makes you say that, Wakasa-san."

"Well, you were already impressive when you first joined. But what you did during the Hidden Village incident was incredible. It almost felt like we had another chief. You handled the humanoid shuuki Shushu and I struggled against."

"I was simply a better matchup. With Koko, she could make her body slippery making blunt attacks basically useless. Unlike you and Suruga-san, I could use my sword. Koko isn't immune to being cut up by a blade so I was a better fit."

"I see....but being able to process all that so quickly is amazing too."

As Sahara continued to eat, Nagisa simply looked down at his hands. At first he didn't know if he could keep up, but now it felt like he had a fighting chance. His efforts were producing noticeable results, but he couldn't let himself be satisfied with this level as he still had stuff to do. Just when Nagisa finished his food, he noticed a portal opening up in the dining area as the chief finally appeared.

"Sorry I took so long, Nagisa."

"Welcome back, Tenka-san

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"Welcome back, Tenka-san."

As the two of them smiled, they each enjoyed a cup of tea. While Nagisa was happily drinking his, Tenka merely took a sip. Soon the young woman took a deep breath as she looked at the boy.

"Nagisa, it's time. The commander asked for you to attend."

"Do you mean-"

"Yes, the Chief Assembly is about to commence."

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