Chapter 65

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"So dad, why are you here in Japan? Did something happen?"

That was the first question that escaped Nagisa's mouth. Brekdak being here was a big deal. The man merely placed a hand on his own chin as he was trying to think of how to answer it. Soon a smile just formed on his face as he looked at Nagisa.

"I just wanted to see you."

"..........that's it?"

"That's it!"

"..........for real?"

"For real!"


Having said that, Nagisa and Brekdak merely sat down at the waterfall together as they began to meditate together. Soon Bang smiled as he went inside of the dojo in order to let the two of them to spend time together. As the two of them sat at the waterfall, Brekdak broke the silence.

"I saw the live footage of your fight against a shuuki. I didn't teach you that skill."

"No, but I saw you use the skills when I was younger. All I did was copy what you did back then."

"I see, so you have that special skill. You know, not many are able to copy like you can. It can be a dangerous weapon. Both for your opponent and yourself, especially if your body can't handle the moves you copy. I would know since I actually fought someone who could copy as well."

As Brekdak said that, he looked at Nagisa and noticed how the boy's concentration wasn't broken in the slightest. Meanwhile, Nagisa could tell what Brekdak was saying. Though Nagisa respected his father and his strength, he had to be honest with the man.

"I will admit, your techniques are amazing and powerful. It's just that they don't suit me and the way I fight. While powerful, they're a bit slower than my usual techniques."

"I understand, no need to say more. For now, let's just enjoy our time together, okay?"

"Heh, sure thing."

As Bang was seen walking down the streets, he noticed someone following him amongst the crowd of people. With a sigh escaping his lips, the old man simply walked down a nearby alleyway. Soon he turned around as he saw the man who had been following him.

"I only ever heard word about you. To think I would meet the White Ghost himself. This is truly a rare meeting, Gun Park."

"To think I would meet the legendary Bang in person. I assume you already know why I am here. Tomioka Nagisa passed the two tests for his qualification as being my successor and taking over the Yamazaki yakuza clan."

"The first test was you approaching him directly and trying to mentally attack him through a mix of truth and lies. He not only saw through your lies, but his foundation hasn't wavered in the slightest. The second test was....."

"How he would respond to you, which would directly affect his first test result. Had he rushed to you demanding answers in a panic, he would crack under pressure of being head of a yakuza clan. But instead he carries the responsibility on his shoulders and has shown no signs of breaking. Now the final test will begin."

As Gun said this, he began to walk away as Bang was deep in thought. While Nagisa was indeed strong, he needed something else. Allies, allies that would rally under him and were just as capable as him. With a sigh escaping from his lips, Bang simply began to walk back towards his dojo.

"You did well coming to see your son, Brekdak. Nagisa needs moments to act like a normal teenager. He needs to also enjoy life instead of only fighting against it."

As they were sitting outside the dojo, both Brekdak and Nagisa were seen staring at the night sky. The two of them merely sat there in silence as they admired the beauty of the scene they were witnessing. Soon a smile began to form on Brekdak's face.

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