"Well, Your Mother looks scary but she is very sweet" Shruti told her.

"I know Nani, She is My Mother and I understand her better than anyone else" She said proudly.

Ram and Shruti shared a look and looked back at Vartika nervously as if they wanted to tell her something.

"Um- Vee, You love your mother, right?" Ram asked but his voice clearly showed hesitation.

"Of course Nanu 2"

Ram again looked at Shruti and gave a nod.

"Vee, Your Nanu-Nani no. 1 (Shivalika's parents) call----" Vartika cut them off in the middle and said, "They called and they didn't even talked to me today!!" she stood up in shock.

"Baby, you were in school at that time, they said they are missing you and soon going to come to meet you, They also said they will call you in the evening"

"Okay then fine, Yes what you were saying? sorry to interrupt you in middle Nani 2" She apologized showing her puppy eyes, she knows their melting point

"Umm Yes, woh---"

"I am Back! Everyone!!" As soon as the trio heard the voice they knew their conversation was out of the track now.

They all looked at the entrance to find a 6'2 tall man standing there in his casuals, though his hairs were messed up but it only made him look more attractive. 

Maami hunt starts.

"Yash Mamu!!!!" Vartika jumped  in her place and ran to her favorite person just to get picked up in his arms.

"Finally I am meeting My Sunshine, I missed you" Yash exclaimed kissing her soft chubby cheeks. "Oh C'mon, if you did then you would have at least called me, but you didn't" Vartika pouted folding her arms and looked away

"You can't win an argument with her, Yash" Shruti chuckled

"Well I will always choose to lose from this beautiful lady, And Yes, I was busy, Miss," He told her by pinching her nose.

"Oww, don't do that" She rubbed her nose but it was of no use she knows that now her nose will turn red and she will look like a clown.

"And Yeah I know, When I told Mumma that you didn't call me, she said you are a Punk! Btw, what does a Punk mean?" Vartika asked innocently, she didn't know the meaning but she knows that her mother doesn't use beautiful words for her dear brother.

"What The---"

"STOP using curse words in front of the little child you both!! I will surely take Shivi's class today" Shruti glared.

"Me too, How can she call me that?" Yash's jaw dropped and still was, until Vartika closed his mouth by pushing his jaw upward with her small soft hands.

"Your Mom is My Enemy!" Yash told Vartika after pinching her small nose again only for her to glare at him cutely.

"She is everyone's Enemy, oops Correction* Hot Enemy" Again the family member's jaw dropped hearing her.

"From where are you learning all this?" Ram asked her in shock.

"School is the place where you learn, Remember Nanu 2? I heard My Seniors saying Mumma is Hot and S-S something from S I don't remember the word" She pouted not able to remember the exact word and started forcing her brain to remember.

"You are not saying those words again for that ugly dumpling!" Yash earned a smack from his father immediately.

"Sabse jyada khatra toh ise tum dono bhai bahen se hai, You guys are teaching her the wrong words"

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