Best Friend?..... Threats

Start from the beginning

"Well when you put it like that, come get me high off of candy then." He said

As soon as Gabe said that I heard a strange voice said, "That won't be necessary."

"And you are? Because apparently I missed the memo that some freaking chucky looking man was supposed to tell me what to do." I said

"Ari how many jolly ranchers you had?" Gabe asked me.

"Only I'm sure it was five."

"Five! I'm sorry doc, she's a little high on candy right now she didn't mean that." Gabe apologized. Why the hell is he apologizing? I meant what I said. The man's basically Chucky's twin.

"It's ok. Anyways, I came to tell you that you're being discharged today. You can leave when you please. No heavy lifting and you have to wear this arm scrap thing. Ohh and watch your girlfriend... She's very amusing" The doctor told Gabe but he just laied there frozen. Maybe I should sing let it go to him so he could melt.

Gabe's POV.....

The doctors words reminded me of what Joe said.

"Joe" I whispered in complete shock. How did he find me. Ok never mind that's a dumb question. But I thought my bill was paid off.

"Oh son why do you look so scared. I'm not here to hurt you. At least not yet."  He said smiling at me.

"What do you want? I thought you got your money." I questioned

"Yeah I got my money but you lied to me and for that you must pay. Not now though, heck I might not even hurt you it could be someone close to you like you friend. Ohh what's her name Ari is it." As soon as he mentioned Ari's name I was petrified. I would die if anything ever happen to her. I was completely at. A loss for words.

"Oh cat got your tongue. Or is it that sexy thing that I saw by the elevator completely flustered." He taunted.

"Just know that I'm watching you and her. By the end of all this someone would be dead. That's the price of lying to a drug dealer. He said and walked out the door.

End of flashback....

I didn't realize I was in a car until the car went into a hole in the road. I looked over and Ari was driving is she crazy or trying to get me killed.

"No I'm not crazy, neither do I want you dead; but I am your best friend and I know your not telling me something. It hurts sometimes because I always tell you everything. We've been best friends from grade 6 and it hurts to know that you after all those years you don't trust me." She said as a lone tear fell from her eye. I was heartbroken when she told me that because I never want to be the cause of her crying. And if she's crying that means she's really hurt. And second of all she's been there for me when no one else was. And she feels like I don't trust her.

"Ari don't cry" I said.

"I'm not crying!" She said angrily.

"I trust you ok. I'm just scared to tell you the whole truth. I scared of what may happen to you and what you may think of me." I told her honestly.

She stopped the car in the middle of the road and said "Nothing you say and make me think differently of you. And don't be scared for me because I'm more protected than you think. Now tell me everything." She said while people were blowing the horns at us and cursing.

"Ok..well i-" I began but she cut me off

"Not now! I am in the middle of the road.. Are you crazy? These people will try to hurt us if we stay here any longer. Let's go by you and we'll talk there. Okay best friend?" She said

"Okay best friend."

So I think its a Lil long but let me know what you think. Please don't be a silent reader. Vote comment and all that good stuff. Follow me if you want i'll follow back. Well see ya til my next update👋✌

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