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In a case where Japan got sick with the common cold, she hid it from her friends.

Japan: A-Achoo!

She wipes her runny nose, ears drooped down and eyes puffy. Behind her, she could hear someone clear their throats. When turning around she lets out a gasp. All her friends had tails and cat ears.

Japan: G-Guys, what happened to you?

China: What happened to us?! Your stupid allergy turned us all into... you!

South Korea and Mongolia were fiddling with their ears. North Korea was trying to pull off his tail using his feline teeth. Taiwan hid behind China, too embarrassed to show himself. 

Japan: Actually, I prefer you use the term "Neko" and-

North K: Raaah! Doesn't matter, you better find a way to turn us back to normal, or else I'll make sure you never see the light of da-

South K: I think what my brother is trying to say is. Do you think there is a way to revert us to our original form?

Taiwan: P-Please, I can't be seen looking like this...

Mongolia: I don't know about you, but I kind of like it! Look, I'm a cat now! Мяав~

Japan: Sorry, but I have no way in helping you... how about you all just wait it out? I'm sure they'll fade away.... eventually...

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