Our Own Organization (O3)

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The East Asians were chilling in a living room. Japan was lying upside down on the couch.

Japan: You know guys... I've been thinking. South East Asians have their own Union.

South K: Association of Southeast Asian Nations?

Japan: Yeah! How come WE don't have OUR organization?

China: We're already part of an alliance, it's called the United Nations.

Taiwan: I'm not in it!

China: Oh, hehe, I forgot.

Japan: I don't think it's fair that we get left out. Why don't we make our own organization?! It'll be fun!

Taiwan: A made-up community? Oh... what would we call it?

South Korea: How about,  Association of East Asian Nations?

Mongolia: AEAN... Hmm... sounds too irritating to pronounce.

Japan: You're right... How about... East Asian Team?

North K: EAT... sounds like a hungry organization if you ask me...

Mongolia: Then... what about Team East Asian?

China: TEA... Ooh, I like that!

Taiwan: I agree!

South K: Yes!

North K: Eh... it's okay.

Japan: Right, then let's go craft it! Come on!

Japan dashes to the kitchen with the rest following, except.

North K: Hold on, I thought we were joking...

China pulls out a giant cauldron at the center of the room.

China: Alright, what should we add? I'll start first, I'll put my favorite green tea.

Mongolia: I'm gonna pour my Suutei tsai!

Taiwan: I'll mix my Bobatea!

North K: I'm gonna add a dark roasted coffee.

Japan: I'll put in my Yasai Juusu!

South Korea: I'll blend in my black tea!

China stirs the mixture at a medium pace using a giant spoon. They observe for a few minutes.

Mongolia: So... is something gonna happen?

Japan: Why isn't it working?

South K: Perhaps we haven't added enough ingredients, let's get some more ingredients!

They all scatter to gather their belongings. A quarter later, they returned with a handful of objects. One by one they dumped it in.

China: I'll put in silverware, a block of gold, and some China plates so they could have class and be a great gentleman!

Taiwan: I'm gonna put in math books, and other science-related subjects so they can come out smart and knowledgeable.

Japan: I brought my drawing and the manga I love! Hopefully, they will have artistic skills!

South K: I'm gonna add my favorite microphone and drama films so they can be master actors!

Mongolia: I got my history and sociology books so they'll be confident and quick to adapt. I'll also put in some box of chocolates to make them as sweet as sugar!

North K: All I brought are gun powders and a grenade, can't let them be too soft...

He drops it into the cauldron with the other Asians backing up a little.

Japan: I sure hope that doesn't detonate inside...

Suddenly, the solution began glowing a bright purple, the Asians were in awe. The beautiful shade disappeared not long after.

China: Okay, let's warm this bad boy up at  100°C, then let it cool down!


-The next day.

*Gasp* A stranger emerges out of the brew the East Asians created. The New Organization had some parts of their symbols combined. South's Ying Yang symbol, Japan's rising sun, North's star, China's golden star, and Taiwan's blue block. And lastly, under the circle was Mongolia's crescent moon.

TEA: H... Hello (O ᆺ O)...

Mongolia: Oh my gosh... that is the most adorable thing I have ever seen... LOOK AT HIM!

He picks TEA by his armpit and raises him high. He was apparently China's height.

Japan: Let me get a closer look a him!

She leans into TEA's face, admiring his sweet innocent eyes.

Japan: Hello my cute organization, welcome to the world! Aww, he's like a little baby! I'm your mother, and these are your fathers.

North K: That sounds so wrong.

South K: Aww, North, he has your silent behavior!

North K: Whatever...

Taiwan: So... what do we do with him?

China: Let's have him shipped off to UN.

Together they put TEA into a box and have him delivered to UN's coordinates.


At the UN's Establishment, NATO, EU, and ASEAN were on their way to their office. They stopped midway when they spotted TEA.

EU: Uhh... Who are you?

TEA: I am TEA.

ASEAN: Tea? As in the letter T, or drinking tea?

TEA: I am TEA :D!

NATO: Okay? You do know this is a private organization room, right?

TEA: Yes.

ASEAN: So you can't be here.

TEA: Yes.

EU: Then would you kindly leave?

TEA: Yes.

EU: ...We better bring UN here.

So this is just a fun hypothetical idea I had. I can totally imagine the East Asians making their own organization, and that said creation having the mind of a 5-year-old. TEA is not a canon character in my platform, it was just a one-time thing.

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