Kinky Kink!

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All 6 of the East Asians were patiently sitting on a chair, they were called back to the studio. 

Author: Alright! It's high time I expose all of you in front of your fans!

The producer takes out a piece of paper from a file he held. The Asians were confused about what he was getting at.

Author: Starting with you, Japan! You're into... some Neko role-play and hentai, why am I not surprised...

Japan: O///O *Gasp* That was never meant to be revealed! Noooo.

Author: South Korea... You're into... toys, what a shocker...

South K: Give a guy a break!

Author: North! You enjoy non-consensual sex and rape, oh my gosh...

North K: Tsk, whatever...

Author: China. You have a superiority kink, can't say I didn't expect it.

China: I... Uhm... I have nothing to say. 

Author: Mongolia, you love dominance and Submission, plus praise kink, seriously?

Mongolia: Don't act surprised! You knew this whole time!

Author: Well, that leaves Taiwan left. You're the only one who doesn't have a kink...

Taiwan: Awesome!

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