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South and North Korea invited their Asian friends for a little get-together. With all of them having tea, North and South stood in front of the group

South K: Everyone, I have an important announcement to make...

Once they caught everyone's eyes, North and South held hands.

South K: My brother and I are dating!


Japan: [Spits drink]

Mongolia: What? I mean... HUH?

Taiwan: Did... Did I hear that right?

China: Excuse me?!

North K: Yes, it's true, South and I are... we're together... as couples.

Japan: I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! B-But, you two are! I... Uh... What is t everything right now?!!! I JUST... I... don't believe this... you two are boyfriends, but you're related?! How does that work?!

Mongolia: T-This is so wrong on so many levels... but I suppose the heart wants what it wants.

South Korea: That's right! I love North Korea with the deepest desire in my heart. And he loves me too!

Staring into each other's eyes, the two shared a kiss in front of them.

Japan: [Passes out from shock]

China: [Looks at his brother, Taiwan] You know, Taiwan, we can learn a thing or two from them~

Taiwan: FUCK YOU!

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