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A simple guy walks into the preserved room.

Mongolia: Look who finally arrived~

Author: AHH! *Pant* Don't scare me like that! And you know I have work to do!

Mongolia: HmHm, yeah sure~ Now, let us begin, shall we?

Author: That's my line... sure! 

Mongolia: So... what do you think about the East Asians?

Author: Well, they are my favorite in the CH fandom and... Hey, wait a minute! I'm supposed to be asking you questions! Give me that! [Snatches paper]

Mongolia: Hahaha!

Author: Hrruff...

Mongolia: Can you remind me why we're doing this again? I thought I was done answering questions... didn't you give up on this book?

Author: It's to ensure the East Asians can have some purpose to continue existing, especially the versions I made... You know I don't give up on anything! And for the record, I'll be the one asking questions here! First, what do you think, and how do you feel about your Asian friends?

Mongolia: I already answered that... Fine, I'll say it again:

South Korea - A fun optimistic country and a great pal of mine. Occasionally, he would do actions before planning about them. He is very great at making people laugh, which sometimes I admire about him. He treats his brother with so much kindness, regardless of the attitude he receives from it. I'm impressed by how tranquil he is with North. He also has a wonderful singing voice!

North Korea - He may seem grumpy at first encounter, but deep inside he has a good heart. I would find it amusing how North always complains and whines about every situation. He and his brother have this some sort of... Balance between them, that Ying and Yang stuff, you get what I'm saying? The main point is, they complete each other, and can both get along... Well, oftentimes.

Japan - A great bundle of joy and happiness. She is a curious girl and the best animator I know! I'll admit, she can be a scaredy cat, but she can put aside her fears and do the right thing. North, South, and Japan frequently bicker and argue. North teases her for being a crybaby and a tattletale.

Taiwan - He is the one who can't be bothered. Always gets pulled into problems, although he doesn't complain about it. I think he secretly enjoys being able to help. I don't know about the relationship between him and his brother. China likes to have him by his side and they are siblings... I better exist on his Map, or there will be hell to pay!

China - It's a bit complex. I'm still mad about what happened in the past. He kept trying to maintain control over me like I was his personal play toy, a conduit, a puppet! Then again, I fought for him once too. I understand how hard he is trying to have a good connection with me, he is the best trading partner I have. Perhaps in the future, he and I would be good friends.

Author: Now let's analyze this further. China said that whenever he tried to talk to you, you always shut him down. Why?

Mongolia: Don't be fooled by his fake happy and kind act! I know he's thinking of ways to exploit me. He doesn't care about me, he just cares about my land!

Author: Now, China and USSR were a couple once-

Mongolia: I don't know what he saw in him!!!

Author: O-Okay...So when Soviet passed away, China said you were extremely bitter towards him. Do you blame him for his death?

Mongolia: ... *Sigh* No... I don't, there was nothing any of us could have done to prevent it. It happened unexpectedly, and I wasn't prepared. I want to talk about it with China, but I can't help to get furious when I see him. I was... jealous, I was so jealous... and perhaps... heartbroken...

Author: Aww, maybe you'll find love someday. Speaking of love, Japan's father, Imperial Japan, tried to invade you, yet you remain to have brother-sisterly love with Japan. China and the Koreans are still holding on to the past, why aren't you?

Mongolia: Yeah, I know she is related to a bloodthirsty killer and all, however, that doesn't excuse her from bearing the weight of all his transgressions. She had nothing to do with the war, just an innocent little girl minding her own business. Oh... she was so cute and little when I first saw her, how times flew by...

Author: Okay! I think we covered our EA content... Now, let's move on to the other books. Tell me, Mongolia, how does it feel to be the №1 porn star in "Smut and Fluffs"?

Mongolia: [Blushes] Ahah, well... uhm... It's an honor, I suppose. Any publicity is a good attraction, right?... Sure, the countries I've been with were so nice and... gentle. Aha, I think the best one I slept with would probably be... Canada...

Author: Despite your muscular, handsome, and studly looks, you sure take pleasure in playing the submissive role.

Mongolia: I-I really don't know how sex between the same gender works, so I let my other partner take the lead... And the script says I should... Besides, people seem to love it a lot.

Author: How do you feel about you being used as a cover art for this book?

Mongolia: It started off as an "Ask Mongolia" book, the previous one had my face anyway. You only changed the headcover into a different art style that's all. 

Author: Yup... Oh! Would you look at the time!? I think you're gonna be late for your next sex act with Soviet Union.

Mongolia: Y-You're right! I should get going, wouldn't want to miss it!

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