I engaged in a conversation with him for more than a few minutes and promptly headed straight to the parking area.

If I had gone to meet Angel for the last time, maybe I wouldn't have been able to let her go, so I headed straight to the parking lot.

All preparations were in place, and everyone was eagerly awaiting my arrival. A guard opened the door for me, and I took my place in a car as the journey to the airport commenced.

Author pov

In the vibrant atmosphere of the club, a girl and a boy engaged in a hushed conversation in a secluded corner.

"I explicitly told you to follow her and deliver it to them. You can't even manage that, you incompetent," the girl uttered with frustration.

"For the tenth time, Mehek, I trailed her, but she vanished suddenly. I lost her, and she could be anywhere in the club. Those drugs would keep her immobile for at least five hours. Relax, we can locate her," the boy reassured, his tone pleading.

"Relax? Seriously? What if someone discovers what we've done to her? Her cousin brothers may not be close, but they are fiercely protective of their sisters. We could end up in jail. Can't you grasp that?" the girl retorted, her tone a mix of seriousness and nervousness.

"Nothing will go wrong. Just search for her with me, alright? Explore every room, especially the ladies' washroom. If you find her, message me, and I'll be there. I'll do the same if I locate her. Now, let's not waste any more time; go in different directions and find her." They both hurried off in separate directions, determined to locate the missing girl.

Upon his departure, Aadi meticulously designated his associates to various positions within the club, significantly augmenting the surveillance and supervision of patrons. This strategic move resulted in a notable increase in the number of individuals closely monitoring everyone present in the establishment.

Riya is in a club, questioning everyone about someone. In the process, she accidentally collides with a man dressed in black and queries him about her younger sister, Avantika. Fortunately, he turns out to be a guard appointed by Mr. Rajawat. The details Riya provides about her sister are sufficient for him to realize that she is inquiring about the same girl their boss assigned them to protect, leading him to assist in reuniting her with her family.

The courteous guard calmly informed, "Ma'am, I'm aware of her location. Please accompany me." Subsequently, he guided Riya to Aadish's room, where our lovely angel peacefully slumbers, free from any anxieties or concerns. ("Ha bhai, ha, inke paas to hai na, vo inko sambhalne ke liye.")
( Yes brother, yes she has the one who can protect her )

With worry in her voice, Riya asked, "What happened to Avantika? Why is she here? Hey, wake up, Avantika, wake up... Can you please tell me, sir, what happened to my sister?"

The guard clarified, "It was actually done intentionally; someone deliberately mixed something in her drink , causing her to lose her way and end up in this room. Since this is a private space, we made the decision to let her rest here."

Someone mixed something in her drink, but why .... Said Riya , after taking a pause she said . Can you assist in taking her to the parking area? With some other routes .

Guard replied, I'll guide you through a private route to the parking lot. Come with me.

Riya carefully assisted Avni in standing, providing support by holding onto one of her shoulders. Avni, being avni , remained soundly asleep in her intoxicated state, completely immersed in a serene slumber.

The vigilant guard ensured a safe journey for them as he guided them to the parking lot. Subsequently, they made their way home, unaware that four individuals, affiliated of Aadish Rajawat, discreetly trailed behind, committed to ensuring their safety throughout the journey.

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