ECHOES - SASKIA, Defier of Fate 0.3

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** Dear Readers, (if you read this note in Azrael's or Caelus' Chapter 0.3, skip to the story!)

Your first choice in Saskia's story appears at the bottom of this chapter. You will see it in bold. Choose wisely, some choices are small, but others have the butterfly effect and will change the course of the story for other characters across the Sonder books as well...

Once your choice is made, comment your selection. The choice with the most votes will dictate the next chapter - other choices will ALSO be written for minor choices, with enough votes, so you will be able to follow your path with the numbering of the chapter. The Prologue here is numbered 0.# (this section is 0.3), Part One will be 1.# etc. Your choice's path will be 0.#.A. For example, after this section, 0.3, if you choose path B, you will proceed to 0.3.B to see your choice on the page. Once the next part is ready to begin, for example, once we leave the Prologue and move to Part One, the major choices will be locked and change the plot going forward, and minor choices will affect the relationships between Saskia and everyone around her... **

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The relief thrumming through her veins was almost palpable as she wiped her mouth with the back of her wrist. It was a mannerism she had picked up from Mauko.

The rabbit wouldn't satiate her for long, but it bought her time. "Mauko, thank you," she breathed. Mauko chuffed, butting his head against her and purring. Unlike small cats, Mauko's purr had a little bit of growl to it, but he purred all the same. Saskia smiled, burrowing her face into his shoulder, his soft, cloudy fur soothing. "We need to get to town, Mauko. This won't hold me for long."

The snow leopard stood, stretching his enormous paws, his killer claws sinking into the earth as he yawned. He peered up at her with his head tilted, his wide, beautiful eyes melting her as she smiled, peace blooming in her soul and she stroked his head.

They set off together, back through the forest. But Saskia paused, her peace disturbed as she remembered dropping the button. The Lady had told her to listen to its echoes, but she didn't want to, not anymore. She shuddered, the echo already fading from her mind. She couldn't even remember what it was, now that she had fed. She only knew how disconcerted her soul felt hearing it, like if a monumental piece of her had been carved out and surgically removed, the wound left to fester.

It didn't take long to get to the town. It was a small, rural one. At its boundary, Saskia gathered shadows into her hand, throwing them over Mauko to cloak him. Using her energy like this would make her next feed much more urgent, but humans did not react well to a snow leopard, "pet"— not to mention this leash nonsense they insisted on! She couldn't imagine leashing her companion, the gall!

She kept her eye out for an easy meal, but first, a bed. Mauko loved plushy beds, and this modern age had plenty of them! After buying a room with the money she, "earned," from her last feed, they marched up the stairs of the motel together and Mauko leaped into the bed, turning into a Mauko-cinnamon-roll and tucking his nose under his big paws. His eyes were opened a crack, suspicious of her.

He knew she would do it. His eyes narrowed. As Saskia had predicted that he would leap into the bed, Mauko correctly predicted that yes, she would tickle the bean toe peeking out from his sweet roll.

Mauko groaned at her, pulling his beans away and she giggled at him, smooching the top of his head, stroking down his back and setting down her scythe. She didn't need to expend more energy hiding it, especially since it wasn't needed amongst the humans. She pulled the curtains closed, shutting the door as Mauko's tiny snores were already beginning their rumbles.

Every town seemed to have one thing: a bar. That's where she would look first. It may even be best to feed twice, considering how dangerously low she had gotten earlier. After walking the streets for a little while, she came upon one and swiftly entered.

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