chapter 9

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Officer Sam felt like his heart stopped when he saw So-yeon's lifeless body. "So-yeon," he said quietly, barely heard the noise.

The crowd rushed forward, making the sad scene seem like a show. Sam felt a mix of anger and sadness, trying hard to push through the crowd.

"Let me see So-yeon!" he pleaded, his voice full of panic as he struggled against the people holding him back.

But the crowd wouldn't budge, everyone talking loudly and adding to the confusion. Sam's fists clenched, feeling more and more frustrated.

"Someone, please call an ambulance!" he shouted, his voice filled with emotion. "We need help, quickly!"

As the ambulance sirens got nearer, Sam's heart raced. He knew he had to see So-yeon, no matter what.

Arya stood beside Sam, her heart heavy with sorrow as tears flowed down her face. She couldn't move, couldn't speak, the weight of the tragedy crushing her spirit.

As she watched Sam's love for Doctor Kim So-yeon, a guilty thought haunted her soul. She couldn't shake the feeling that somehow, she should have done more to prevent this tragedy.

Arya turned to her father. "Dad," she whispered, her words barely audible over the sounds of sorrow around them. "I... I can't stop thinking about how the doctor who took care of me is gone. It's like... like I failed her somehow."

Her father's eyes mirrored her pain as he reached out to embrace her. "It's not your fault, Arya," he said softly, his voice trembling with emotion. "We're all struggling to understand this. We'll get through it together."

Arya's mother, visibly distressed, grabs her husband's arm as they walk away from the incident.

Arya's mother spoke with frustration in her voice, "I don't want our daughter to carry the burden of others deaths. All I want is peace. Let's go home, my dear husband."

As they walked away from the tragic scene, Arya couldn't tear her eyes away from Sam and his tears for Kim Seo-yeon.

Arya cries,"It's all because of her but....."

Arya's mind swirls with negativity until she lets out a piercing scream and collapses.

Arya's Father (worried) "What's happening to our daughter?"

Arya's mother grips her husband's arm, her voice filled with panic and sorrow.

Arya's Mother,"Husband! I'm terrified we might lose another child. Please, find Dr. Lee Bo-young. She's our only hope."

Arya's father, his hands tight on the steering wheel, tries to reassure her amidst the rush of traffic.

Arya's Father speaks hurriedly,"Maya! We lost our elder child, but Arya will be okay. Let me focus on driving. We'll reach Dr. Lee Bo-young soon, and she'll do everything to help Arya, just like last time."

The car speeds down the road, urgency filling the air as they race against time to reach Dr. Lee Bo-young and save Arya.

Arya's mother pours out her heart, her voice trembling with pain and frustration.

Arya's Mother says,"Why does everything bad have to happen to us, Hyubin? I have already lost so much. If anything happens to Arya, I don't think I can go on living in this fucking messed-up world. I thought we left our problems behind, but they just keep growing, like some terrible disease. I feel so hopeless, like Arya slipping away. If only my mother were here, she might know what to do."

Arya's father listens quietly, his heart heavy with worry, as he navigates towards Dr. Lee Bo-young's hospital.

Arya's Father responds,"I know, Maya. It's been so hard. But we will get through this. Arya will be okay. We just need to have faith and keep fighting."

Suddenly, the clouds turned black, and rain began, causing people around to scatter. So-yeon's lifeless body was cleared from the park, transported to the hospital for postmortem.

Sam kneels on the wet ground, his hands trembling as he stares at the wallpaper of Dr. Kim So-yeon on his phone. Overwhelmed with heart-wrenching, he throws the phone to the ground, the screen shattering into pieces.

Sam's Father,approaching with an umbrella,"Sam, let's go home. It's not safe to be out here in this weather."

Sam looks up, his eyes red from crying, and nods silently. His father helps him up, offering support as they walk to the car.

Sam's Father,"Son, I know this is hard for you. But you can't let it consume you. We will get through this together."

Sam remains silent, lost in his thoughts, as they drive home through the rain, the weight of Dr. Kim So-yeon's death heavy on his shoulders.

Sam's father pulls over in a secluded area, the rain still sprinkling outside, and turns to his son with concern.

Sam's Father says,"Son, I may not be the most modern person, but I see how much Dr. Kim So-yeon's death has affected you. You need to pull yourself together. Remember, you're a cop. Use that focus to find whoever is responsible for her death. Being emotional only weakens you and won't help you solve this case. Do you understand?"

Sam, still shaken and crying, nods slowly, his father's words sinking in.

Sam, slowly whispers,"I understand, Dad. I'll try to focus. But it's just so hard... Let's go to the hospital where her body is undergoing a postmortem, and let's offer support to her family."

Dr. Lee Bo-young checked Arya's condition and informed, "My dear Maya, your daughter needs rest, and she is mentally affected by the incident around her. Let her stay here for some time,she will be alright. Hmm... Hyubin, my friend, tell your wife to calm down, she is feeling too low."

Arya's father said, "Lee-young, she is worrying a lot for Arya, as she lost her elder one already."

Arya's father received a call from his mother, instructing him to come to Seoul Seobuk Hospital for important news. He informed Maya and started driving his car towards the destination his mother had mentioned.

sam and his father reached the hospital where so-yeon's family was utterly broken by her death, and he tried his best to console them.

On the hospital screen tv, breaking news flashed, with an anchor announcing, "Big breaking news!!! the internet is now buzzing with the viral nudity video of a teacher, Hwa-Young, and the doctor kim so-yeon kissing each other. and also another video where they both use drugs. both of them were working in the same seoul's prestigious high school."

The news spread all over the internet, and people's comments were filled with jokes and memes about them. sam and so-yeon's family were shocked to see the news. as they were clueless, both sam and yeon's family received calls from their relatives and friends, who started commenting regarding the videos.

In the same hospital, Arya's father, Hyubin, arrives, and his mother comes with Park Min-ho's family.

Arya's father, in a confused state of mind, questions, "Why did you call me, Mother? I'm literally shattered with Arya's health condition."

Hyubin's mother, in a strict voice, says, "Do you remember your sister? Your blood sister, Park Bo-young, who ran away with her lover, Park Chan Wan, by betraying our family's name, died fifteen years back because of cancer. Today, her husband also died due to an accident. The woman standing in front of you is his second wife and her two children. The young teen boy crying over there is Park Bo-Young's only child. His second wife has the capacity to take care of her two children with the help of her parents, but she doesn't want Park Bo-Young's child. So..."

Arya's father interrupts, "We need to take care of him?"

Hello chunks! I came up with another chapter and thanks for reading my story. Yours siya.

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