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"I.. Like- no, I love you Hinata. I may be a little rude and have attitude but I still like you, and I really hope you don't hate me for it and you feel the same way. I've had a bad past with girls since my last relationship. You know, I had a girlfriend named Shion and she used me and manipulated me, I truly loved her but she didn't feel the same about me, so I used to play girls. But something about you made me feel different and made me think that you were the girl that would complete my life, I know we've graduated and I don't even know if we're going to the same college, but you know almost everything about me. My parents, my life everything. So I'm asking you to be my girlfriend, Hinata Hyuga.

"Time flies by fast, I remember that like it was yesterday when you confessed to me on that party night in graduation." Hinata smiled at the video.

"How many years ago was that again?" He hovered over her. "Well, we're 25 now so that would mean it was.. 7 years ago. When we were 18 isn't that funny?"

"It really is, I remember that. Ino and Sakura were recording us with Temari at the back, and when Kiba still got tricked when he thought the alcohol was seriously apple juice."

"And I wonder how their kids are doing now, Sarada is all grown and really acts just like her dumb dad, so rude and arrogant in a way, and uses his same vocabulary."

"Just back when I used to be a boy who didn't care about anything." Hinata glared. "But hey, I'm a changed man thanks to you but my attitude hasn't changed. And back then you were shy and now you're way more scarier!"

Hinata laughed. "Well, just call it Confidence. And now we have little kids of our own who look like an exact copy of us, I hope Boruto doesn't turn out to be a playboy when he's older and skip classes like you did."

"Well, he likes ramen noodles and has my same attitude. I wouldn't be surprised if he did but I sure hope not!" He laughed nervously.

"And Himawari has your scary attitude too but a kind personality, err what should we call it. The Uzumaki mini's!"

"Mom!! Boruto took my toys again and he won't give it back! Can you tell him to give it back to me please." Himawari cried to her mom.

"No I didn't! She took mine first so I taught her a lesson and don't take people's stuff that belongs to them and they'll take yours! She's just trying to get me in trouble."

"Okay, well Himawari all those toys aren't for you and you have to share with Boruto sometimes when he wants it, and you Boruto I'm glad you're trying to teach your sister something but just tell her to say sorry so she doesn't throw a fit."

"So Himawari, apologize to Boruto and give him his stuff he wants to play with if you still have it. And if you don't wanna.."

"Okay fine, I'm sorry Big Bro.." She went back to playing with her toys. "Thank you mommy!" Boruto ran after her.

"You know, I'm so glad we met ya know?" He smiled at her. "Well then I'm glad we met each other too Naruto."

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