Drowned in my ocean of sorrow

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The love's fight,the ups and downs,
It's all in memories now,
But how can I forget your touch,
Your kisses, your loving gaze,
How can I forget you?
How do I live without the pieces I lost loving you ?
Tell me, how you moved on?
Tell me, how I live without you?
Tell me, how I live with this broken heart?
We were strangers,
Now we are strangers again,
With beautiful memories and pained hearts.
Tell me, was I not good enough?
Did my love ever matter to you?
Did you really find someone who loves you harder than I do?
I am hurt, yes, I truly am,
But when I see you smile,
Laugh in someone else's arms,
I smile weakly to myself,
Thinking atleast one of us is happy.
If someone else makes you happier,
Makes you laugh harder,
Makes your life brighter,
Then I will happily let you go,
Just tell me these on my face,
I just need the closure to move on.
I want you to say , I was not good enough.
I spend my life finding the right person,
Maybe this time I was the wrong person,
Maybe you truly deserve someone better than me,
Maybe I am unlovable,
Maybe I don't know how to love.
I am sorry for all the times I have hurt you,
I am sorry if I turned out to be the dark phrase of your life,
And I am sorry for everything,
For being here,
I am sorry for trying to drown you in my ocean of sadness,
Not realising that you couldn't breathe inside,
Unlike me , who loves feasting on her sorrow.
I still hold on to our memories,
As if they are my lifeline,
It hurts like hell,
But I still do, I can't breathe without them,
Because other than them, I have nothing to hold on to , nobody to turn to,
You were the first person to make me feel loved,
Then you abandoned me like others,
Nobody stays, huh?
Nobody cares,
In this world, everyone is busy fighting their own wars,
Maybe I am gonna lose in mine,
Dear, I don't have much strength left,
I can feel myself weakening everyday,
I can feel my spark gone,
I can feel myself dying, giving up a little everyday,
Maybe when I lose this war , you will be far away with your lover,
Sailing down the red sea, holding eachother by waist,
Maybe you will never get to know that I am gone,
That I have given up,
But don't worry,
I will still love you,
I will watch you everyday from the sky,
And when you see rain,
You will know they are my tears,
When you will see the evening sky,
You will know, I am happy watching you happy,
And when you see the morning sky,
Worry not I am in the clouds somewhere, watching the same dawn,
Watching the same dusk,
My love for you will always be there,
Whether I am here or not,
Maybe I will be in the stars, far away,
Probably in a dark peaceful world, silent,
Finally drowned in my ocean of sorrow...

- Larkspur Hills

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