Dry Eyes

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The curtains floated lightly against the window pane,
The breeze blew gently,
The calm afternoon outside the window,
The ripened orange-red sky,
The fresh grasses studded with raindrops,
A whole different world outside that window.

Her head rested on the pillow,
Her hairs still wet,
Her mind raced from nothing to infinity,
Her eyes numb and dry.

And slowly she remembered all those days,
When she would cry,
And there would be tears in her eyes,
Rolling down her cheeks,
Atleast there was a way she could scream her pain out,
Even if those were silent tears,
They were loud.

Those tears gave her the assurance that she felt her sorrows,
And could express them,
But now her eyes were dry,
Out of tears, even before she has poured her heart out.

Her heart was heavy from all the pain that have gathered there,
From all the pain that she has suppressed over the years,
All the pain that have been sitting there for all these years,
It turned out, there weren't enough tears in her eyes to let go all of them,
To set them all free.

Her eyes were sore,
Yet her heart wanted to cry more,
The gravity of those pain sat like tomb stones in her heart,
Demanding to be felt.

The heaviness of their weight demanded to be felt,
To be noticed,
To be expressed,
But her eyes could not,
They were numb and tired,
They have cried away all the tears they ever had.

Her heart wanted to let go of all the pain she had,
But there was no way,
Her eyes were dry,
And she could no longer keep them open,
She closed them and the world went black,
She was desperate,
So her mind send her to sleep,
For it was a No escape room that her mind resided in,
A room where she and her pain were permanent roommates,
Both imprisoned together forever,
Because her eyes had no tears left,
Because her eyes were dry.

-Larkspur Hills

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