The swan

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The lake stood in the middle of the vast dense forest,
Like an emerald,
Studded in the green chest of the earth,
And on the lake swam a swan,
Gracefully, like a white sapphire,
Holding its head high,
Glittering like a diamond.

The lake was embroidered,
With the ancient trees,
Leaning on its sides, lacing the lake,
Like a thick foil of greenish gold.

Where the lake met the earth,
There were marshes and creepers,
Blooming little flowers,
Like little rubies, opals and agates.

The swan swam on the chest of the lake,
Gliding smoothly, leaving a trail of water behind,
It owned the lake and so the sky,
And its beauty mesmerized the heart of mine.

-Larkspur Hills

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