Words Kept Hidden

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A few words that she kept hidden,
A few words that she treasured above all,
For someone special, deep inside her heart,
In profound darkness,
Probably lost, yet treasured.

She knew everyone but no one knew her,
Yes she used to change her colours,
A deliberate illusion,
For a deliberate darkness.

Words after words, she craved for the one,
Not for the world's illusions,
But for her own ones,
Haunted by her own creations,
Of wild beasts and God,
Loving her solitude yet hating it.

A strange combination of too much contrasting colours,
Strange and weird too,
And out of everyone's reach and dream.

She kept them hidden like sunken treasures,
Wanting them to lie there undisturbed,
Yet to be discovered.
A terrible irony between wanting and not wanting,
A war inside,
Though it never passed,
Or maybe she never made it.

She tried to splutter them out,
At wrong times and wrong places,
And she never really found the one,
She slowly passed into the peaceful slumber,
knowing that she is running out of time,
The war ended,
And the words lay where they were in darkness and an eerie silence,
And the words were kept hidden forever.

-Larkspur Hills

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