When We Found Love In The Willow

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Was it your trail leading me to that Willow?
Or was it just a wishful dream?
Was it our untold hidden love?
Or was it just a crush?

We loved eachother in my dreams,
Sitting together by a lake,
Under the shades of the Willow,
Holding hands,
We leant our heads on eachother's shoulder,
Our love deeper, our souls lighter.

I loved you every day,
Like the day we met the first time in my dreams,
I remember you taking my hands,
The time we stared into eachother's eyes,
A smile slowly lighting up on our lips,
And I remember how we got lost together,
The hours flying by like seconds,
I remember the freckles on your nose and cheeks,
Each and every detail of that kind and beautiful face of yours.

I remember holding eachother,
The touch of comfort, love and infinity,
I remember the breeze dancing,
Lifting strands of your tousled hair,
Exposing that sweet little boy inside you,
Whom you tried your best to hide from the world,
But couldnot from me.

In my dreams, we followed eachother,
No matter how far the distance was between us,
Our love so pure, our love so big.

I remember the touch of your fingers,
When you tucked my fallen hairs behind my ears,
I remember the sweet smile of yours,
Which brought sunshine to my shadowed world.

I remember the way you used to take pain,
Just to see me smile,
I remember how well we knew eachother,
I remember how much we cherished eachother in my dreams,
So close, yet so far.

I remember the evening we kissed eachother,
How we wanted to laugh, to smile, to hide,
But instead we stood holding eachother,
Under the shades of the Willow,
Watching the far away sunset,
The magnificent orange-red sky,
The clouds all silver lined,
The shades of the Willow, a dream.

That night we rowed in the lake,
The lantern in the wooden boat giving a warm shade of light,
And I remember how we stared at the night sky for ages,
Sitting on the grass,
Under the shades of the Willow.

I still remember how we promised us,
That we will remember eachother,
No matter wherever we are,
No matter how far we are,
We will follow eachother's trail,
We promised in my dreams.

But now, as I stand under the Willow,
Following that familiar trail of yours,
That I always dreamt about,
The same place, where we met for the first time in my dreams.
I wonder, if we were too shy to confess our love to eachother?
I wonder if you too will follow my trail,
Like I followed yours,
And come to meet me under shades of the Willow,
In that evening sunset,
When we kissed eachother,
Will we ever meet again?
Like we did in my dreams,
When we found love in the Willow.

-Larkspur Hills

Note: For the hidden love we carry inside our hearts for someone special... The dreams of our unrequited love... The dream of being loved....

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