Eri And kota get in trouble

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Lady Nagant:I don't know how many

Inko:Katsumi and Shoka describe their relationships as of now

Lady Nagant:From the way I see it...Izuku would take a bullet for them and the same for him

Inko:They used to bully my son I bet you didn't know that

Lady Nagant:Then did what?

Inko:They bully him...Another example is Toga And Urakaka They used to work for All for One before they became a couple

Lady Nagant:I know that

Inko:I don't how my son keeps doing it but Every girlfriend he has now Either Hated him or Didn't like them...Look at them now the only exceptions Are Pony, Momo, Ippan, Mei, and Camie there a few others but still

Lady Nagant:Inko I'm sorry about This misunderstanding

Inko:No Problem I just had to get the record straight and one more thing Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I don't love you, I Love you enough to accept you to the family despite you trying to kill my son multiple occasions

Lady Nagant:I said I was sorry

Inko:And also Maybe I have been a little hard on you, But don't let my kinda go through your head

Lady Nagant:Okay Ms.Inko So Where is Ippan I haven't seen her around

Inko:She is on a date with Izuku

Lady Nagant:He took her on a date before me

Inko:Relax Izuku needs to make time for everyone You do realize that right

Lady Nagant:I guess you're right

Inko: I have an idea How about you cook for him it would show how much you love him

Lady Nagant: That's a great idea but I don't know how to cook that well

Inko:I'll help you out I'll teach you some things

Then Inko's phone started ringing she picked up the phone

Inko:Hello...ERI AND KOTA DID WHAT?...I'll send someone to pick them up(Hang up the phone)Goddamn it

Lady Nagant:What happened

Inko:They got into a fight in school and Eri busted someone's Teeth out

Lady Nagant:Damn

Inko:I don't know where they get this Behavior from

Lady Nagant(Thinking)Who the fuck is raising them Inko...A Batch of beavers or something...Obviously You

Meanwhile with Izku and Ippan

Izuku and Ippan were enjoying their first date at a mini music festival At a park they were dancing, Izuku was showing Ippan his elite dance move

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Izuku and Ippan were enjoying their first date at a mini music festival At a park they were dancing, Izuku was showing Ippan his elite dance move

Deku The Number 1 Black Hero Deku x haremNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ