CH.22 - A little less sixteen candles, a little more "touch me"

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Lunch comes around and i decided that it's my time to ask if Johnnie wants to go to the school dance. I know that it's just a random dance so I don't need to make a big deal about it. I also know that Bryan will probably be there because he's the janitor but I don't care. I hope Bryan sees us together.

"Johnnie?" I ask as we take out unassigned seat at the table

"Yeah?" He looks at me with a smile, making my heart pound

"Did you want to go to the school dance?" I ask

"Yeah, it would be nice to finally go to a party with you and both of us have to be sober." He giggles

"Whatever." I jokingly roll my eyes
"It'll be out first party as a couple." I give him a kiss

"So you guys are finally dating? Why didn't you tell me!!" Tara practically yells as she sits at the table

"Holly shit! you need to stop sneaking up on me!" I jump, once again holding onto Johnnie
"And yeah, were dating." I smile
"I didn't tell you because I just didn't find the time I guess. Also I just didn't really think about telling anyone?"

"Why wouldn't you tell anyone? Jake your one of the many popular people that goes to our school meaning that people give a shit about who your fucking. It might not seem like it to you but people talk. This will be a big thing at the dance."

"I guess. I mean I just assumed that people already thought that we were dating so-" I scratch my head, looking down at Johnnie who seems to be frozen in place
" okay?" I ask as I wrap my free arm around him

"Y-yeah." He stutters
"It's just I...I knew that people were looking at us when we would walk down the halls but I didn't think that it was that big of a deal that we were so close." His voice shaking

"Johnnie, it's okay." I smile
"I promise no one really cares, right Tara?" I say looking at Tara hoping that she'll agree with me just so Johnnie doesn't have a panic attack

"Yeah, sure." She says making me roll my eyes

Johnnies pov:

2 weeks. I've been dating Jake for 2 weeks now and I couldn't be happier but I'm also very anxious. I mean when it's just us and our friends I'm fine but at school I know that everyone's eyes are on us. I can hear whispers and laughs. Sometimes people don't even try to hide the fact that there looking at us and point in our directions. Even when I'm not with Jake I know people are talking about me. I hope that it's nothing bad but I will never know I guess. I shake as I make my way to class. I don't know how Jake doesn't care. As I make my way to my 2nd period I can hear people whispering.

"Do you think there actually dating?" A girl asks looking at me

"I don't know why Jake would want to date him.." another girl says

"Yeah, what does he see in him?" The first girl agrees

"I heard that jake's pretending to date him just because he feels bad. There probably going to break it off by the dance." The 2nd girl laughs

People think that Jake is dating me because he feels bad....I mean I've thought that exact thing. Shit. I'm sure he's not. Jake likes me? Right? No, how could he? I bring nothing to our relationship! Fuck, I can't believe I actually fell for it. It feels like my world is spinning, crumbling. They think he'll break up with me by the dance? That's in 2 weeks. Fuck fuck fuck. What do I do? I mean...I guess I could talk to someone..? But who? Not Sam or Colby..they'd tell Jake everything and I don't want that. I guess I could talk to Tara. Problem is, I don't have her number and the school day is about to end. Fuckkkkk.

bathroom boy (Johnnie Guilbert X Jake Webber)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora