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When he got to his car, a police vehicle, he still didn't believe he was a police officer. When he arrived at the precinct, he still thought it was some mistake and the phone in his pocket belonged to someone else. But he was in a parallel world, what else was impossible?

As he went through his phone, he gathered some information about his life, but not enough. There were some conversations with his colleague and friends that allowed him to identify them. Some family info was also available. His address was saved in the apps. In his wallet, his police ID, his driver's license and car documents. He knew who he was, where he worked, the people close to him and where he lived. But there were still so many questions. Even his body was different from his original one. However, looking at himself, he thought: at least I look good in a uniform.

He looked outside, afraid to enter and people realizing that he was a fraud, that someone else was in the body of the person they knew. How does the police me act? He wondered, Is he the macho kind of guy, the brave kind and fearless? Who am I? While he wondered, someone knocked on the window.

"Jimin-a", a guy that he recognized from his chat group as 'dumb Ji-hun', called him from outside the window. Jimin opened the door and got out. Jihun hugged him and began to fake cry. "You're such a meanie! Because you were out, the chief made me deal with all the paperwork alone. There was so much to do, you'll have to treat me to some Hanwoo barbecue!".

"You don't need this much drama". Jimin complained, pushing him away.

"Next time I'll make you marry me, so that at least I'll have some benefits from being your work hubby".

Jimin was known as flirty and clingy, but that guy was even worse. For a police officer he had no sense of control.

"If you stop saying that I'll pay for dinner". Jimin answered,annoyed.

"For real? Will my sweet Jimin take me out for dinner? Am I dreaming?". Ji-hun went to hug him again, but someone interfered and took him away.

"If anyone should be granted free dinner it should be me sunbaes". Jimin recognized the girl as Kim Eun-ji. Her name was saved as 'Bossy Kim Eun-ji'. "You left me inside to face the chief all alone. You two must have a death wish".

"Let the love birds be, noona". That was Ahn Min-gyu. He was the youngest among them, but he was also the tallest. The four of them had a group together and the messages were close to infinite. From the messages, he understood that he and Ji-hun's friendship dated back to the academy days and they were pretty close. Eun-ji was the smartest among them, and although she was younger, they always said she would probably be the first to be promoted. And Min-gyu was two years younger but liked to play as mature. They'd constantly go out to drink and party. He could probably count on them if he had some problem.

"Why? Jimin-a is finally accepting my love!".

"Let go of me!" I screamed, joining the teasing and playing the part.

"No! My sweet babe is refusing me!".

We all went to get some coffee and got back to work. Luckily, I could just follow them to my desk. Me and Min-gyu were neighbors.

"I need to get something in the market before going home. Would you like to come together, or would you rather go ahead instead?", Min-gyu asked when he sat. Jimin took a while to understand. He and Min-gyu were roommates. He was used to sharing his room with many people from his trainee and early debut days. But something about the way he talked seemed different. However, it would be good to have someone show him the way home.

"I'll wait. I don't have anything to do after, anyway".

"OK". He answered with a smile.

The rest of the day went peacefully. Fortunately, Korea was a relatively low crime country after all. The work was hard, and he was not used to this kind of job, but it was tranquil most of the time. As they walked back home, Min-gyu stood closer to him than he was in the precinct.

"Ji-Hun was really clingy today", he laughed. "I almost got jealous".

"Why?", Jimin asked.

"Yeah, I really shouldn't do that. We asked him to do that".

We asked him? Jimin couldn't think of a reason why he would have asked someone to be so clingy or openly flirtatious.

"It's fortunate Hye-jin is so cool with all that. I think she might be an undercover fujoshi, to even smile seeing her man doing such things. Or...". He didn't complete his thought, but it was clear that it was something dirty.

"Or what?" Jimin looked back at him, a mischievous smile overflown with dirty thoughts.

"You know...", Min-gyu blushed. "Never mind, let's just drop by the supermarket and go home.

In the supermarket, they just got some basic things and went home. He already had a vague idea of what their relationship was like, but upon entering the apartment it became a certainty. There was only one room with a king sized bed, and photos of the two of them together in romantic places. An epiphany came to him about why he asked Ji-hun to act like that. Ji-hun was the smoke screen for his and Min-gyu's relationship. The police force was not the most open place, especially for gay men, and even more considered that the two were colleagues. This dimension Jimin has really good friends. He thought. And an even better boyfriend.

Min-gyu was putting away the groceries, when Jimin hugged him from behind. Min-gyu was almost 1,9 m, so Jimin looked really small facing his back. Jimin played with his boyfriend's thin waist and muscular body. From the moment he saw him in the precinct, Jimin already thought that those broad shoulders and sculpted body was sexy, but now he had a chance to enjoy it. It didn't matter if he was not this universe Jimin, he would enjoy this chance as much as he could.

As Min-gyu put away the last of the groceries, he turned back to Jimin and looked him in the eyes.

"What is my naughty boyfriend doing?" He laughed. Jimin kissed him passionately, exploring the man's mouth with his tongue.

"I want a little attention", he said pouting. Min-gyu picked him up and sat him on the kitchen's counter.

"Well, I'll give you all the attention you want". Min-gyu kissed him back, their tongues dancing in their mouths. He took out Jimin's shirt, but when he went to take away his pants, Jimin stopped him.

"I think I should take a bath first, I'm really sweaty from work". He said, seductively. "Do you want to keep me company?"



After some good exercise, Min-gyu fell asleep in bed. Jimin looked at his sleeping innocent face. His and this dimension's taste in man was pretty similar, and he couldn't avoid being enchanted by this sexy pleasure machine. He kissed his lips while he was still asleep. He put on some underpants and a T-shirt and went to the kitchen to get some water. He kept thinking back to his own world, but also the wonders brought by this parallel reality. Even if he had to hide, this version of him had the power to love and to be beside the person he loved. Would I ever have this opportunity if I go back to my world? He wondered. He drank the water and went back to bed, to sleep beside the wonderful man he had just met, but that he wished to spend as much time as he could by his side.  

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