Drowned in Apprehension

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      It was the next sunrise, once again the waves washed upon the shore with a gentle roar. The cots rocked with the breeze, and the birds freely flew across the skyline. All this tranquil has no chance comparing to Apprehension, tension, and guilt. Jake had woken up early to recite his seemingly devastating explanation Tonowari, Neytiri had prepared the morning meal in a quiet manner, Neteyam had been in a lonely corner of the room, he kept his distance from a certain someone, Kiri and laid besides a small, stirring Tuk, Spider..? Nowhere to be seen, though, it was obvious on where he trailed of to. Last but not least, Ariel, seated in the middle corner, being the center of it all. She seemed put in a long trance, staring at the ground as if an Akula were going to come and consume her. She fidgeting with the hem of her loincloth to play the pain away, which failed inevitably.

          She gazed out at the sea, its blue glow mixing with the hem of the oval woven entrance. It sort of blinded her with a sense of relief, as if it were her only way to escape reality and rely on the bright light, the sea.
               "Ariel." Her head snapped to the calling voice, Neytiri was besides her, handing her a bowl of soup and meat. Ariel's hands were slow, reaching out to the bowl, she nodded her head in thanks and placed the warm bowl on her lap. She didn't really have an appetite for Soup and meat, She didn't even have an Appetite for anything at the moment. Yet she pricked a hot piece of meat, before hastily picking in and tossing in into her mouth. It burned, bad, and she didn't really care, she just took the pain and swallowed the meat, it's leftover soup leaving her tastebuds with a pleasurable taste. And on it went, quick picking, toughing it out, and consuming for the next few bites, before she knew it she was finished. She wiped her mouth and chin with the back of her arm and placed the bowl next to the other food stained bowls. She brought herself to her feet, then walked towards the exit. Tuk churned and peeped, "Where are you going?" She asked, Ariel reciprocated,
                "Somewhere." Well that wasn't any help. She left the family confused, and leaped into the water. It was cold as it rushed through her skin, but it would slowly begin warming once she's in there long enough. She felt a need to hide from the news Jake was going to bring back, so she needed to retreat to somewhere she wouldn't be suspected to be hiding in. And that follows, you guessed it!

             Another lone island, it wasn't too far, it was a few minutes of swimming before she could return. She sat on a rock as always, humming the nostalgic tune her mother would sing to her, it would be ironic for her to discover a new object, it the last thing her and her sisters would do..before her mothers passing..humans. Yes, not all were driven to cruelty like some people, but she was starting to believe that even the Na'vi were more cultured. Her hand stirred the water as she gazed into the clouds which ran through the sky. She wanted something to happen, to hear a little noise..until she did. She slowly turned her head to the source of the noise, and craned her head further, her eyes laid on a cliff, its figure falling from the edge to the water, blocking the forest of the view. Then, a ship peeped out, and it was fast, almost as if..it was coming towards Ariel. She was paralyzed with fear, Why here? Why now? The ship loomed more closer, the closer, until it's groaning roar was breaking her ears. She squeezed her eyes shut just as it was about to hit, and felt a sudden jolt. Not from the steel of that wretched creation, but from water.
           Damn it, another day, another daymare. She pushed herself off the rock, staring at the sun, depicting the time of day, noon..almost eclipse. Jake would have been back by then, but was she present? No, and she didn't want to be present. Yet she was hurriedly swimming with apprehension, apprehension..yes, the word to describe the stomach churning feeling, pushed herself upward, onto the platform and set pitched from sea creature to species. She'd expect Spider to return from his little hibernation by now.

            She stopped at the entrance of the cot, Jake was there, and Spider, except Jake's back faced Ariel, and so did distraught faces. This was no surprise, but it was a concern. Jake turned, his expression matching the others. Ariel had made one for an answer, he understood and motion for her to sit.
            "We are at risk, being hunted again, and you are the target."
Ariel's hands were fist as she narrowed her eyes and twisted her brows. A group of metkayina hunters caught sight of the demon ship, it seemed they were taking Tamika, and it took them ages to return to the mainland. "They're looking for you, Ariel." He stated with certainty in his tone. Ariel shot up,
            "How are you certain!?" She lashed, "Is it true? How do you really know what their intentions are for me?" She wasn't even asking with her yelling. Jake gave back the same tone but with a slight raise in his voice, "I know what humans are like, I know their intentions and what power leads them to, I was once apart of humanity." He huffed.
He was right, he would know what humans would do for power, and so she sat back down, she said, "I see," she seemed to be pondering, "What now?" She asked. Jake responded,
            "I'm trying to figure that out." He turned to the rest of the family, "I'll be speaking with Tonowari from now forward until we can make something out of this. I promise, conversation over." He turned away, and so did everyone. We were safe, for now, we surely had enough time, right? Kiri kneeled next to Ariel,
            "You skipped lunch, you look like skin and bone." She handed her a leftover for lunch, "Cherish this meal."
Yeah, sort of like cherish this last normal moment.

Notes!: Once again I have taken a long break, and once again I might do it again after this! So please, cherish this chapter incase I take a millennial to update, Stay safe!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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